Page 15 - WMPF Federation Magazine February / March 2018
P. 15

“                                                                             50 not out!
               It was essential that we made the Federation

               fit for purpose for the 21st century, only then

                                                                                Lol Ellison joined West Midlands Police
               can it properly represent the membership,
                                                                                more than 50 years ago but he’s still going
               negotiate effectively on their behalf and seek

                                                                                   PC B272 Ellison was sworn in as a
                                                                                police officer on 4 December 1967 after
               to influence decision-makers. The review is                      strong as a forensics specialist.
                                                                                swapping life as a farmhand in Shropshire
                                                                                for beat patrols in West Bromwich. His first
               still ongoing but great strides have been                        monthly payslip was 35 pounds, 7 shillings
                                                                                and 6 pence, less than he earned on the
               made and we cannot live in the past.                             farm.
                                                                                   He met his wife, a police shorthand
                                                                                typist, at the then state-of-the-art police
       experienced, he is still proud to have been a   in the past,” Tom says.  station in the town where a Tesco
       police officer, to have made the rank of      Looking back on his Federation career, he   supermarket now stands.
       sergeant after 12 years as a PC and to have   hopes he will be remembered as someone      Lol says he ‘loved every minute’ of being
       made his family proud of him.       who made a difference for members who   a Beat Bobby but his real passion was
          His policing career has not been without   needed Federation support when they were   crime investigation and in 1981 he landed
       its low points. Tom cites the real term   going through tough times but also for   his dream job as a SOCO.
       reduction in police pay and conditions and   introducing Taypot1!           He retired after 30 years’ service as a
       the impact this has had on officer morale      Tom’s official retirement day is 10 April   police officer − but 16 hours later returned
       but also the tragic deaths of several officers   and he then hopes to buy a little cottage in   to his old desk as a civilian SOCO in the
       in service.                         Extremadura, Spain and see some of the   Force’s new forensics lab.
          Tom first became a Federation workplace   world.                         Evidence uncovered by the 69-year-old
       representative in November 2008.       “I am proud to have served the public of   has helped crack countless cases −
          He recalls: “I was a custody sergeant at   the West Midlands for the last 31 years and   including a high-profile jewellery heist and
       Wolverhampton Central Police Station and   all those friends and colleagues I have   the murder of a police officer − and he’s
       the previous sergeants’ Fed rep had moved   worked with over the years during this   helped identify more than 1,000 criminals.
       on, so I went for the role of rep and that was   period. Being a police officer is an absolutely      Lol’s police photo scrapbook includes a
       it - my first rung of the Federation ladder.”  unique role and profession and I have   snap from the ‘80s showing the eager
          His career saw him rise from a workplace   reached the end of my policing career   SOCO − in suit and tie − digging up
       rep to become branch chair around 18   knowing I have given it my best shot,” he   woodland in the hunt for £65,000 worth of
       months ago.                         explains.                            jewellery from a shop heist in Walsall.
          As a rep over the last decade, he has      “I wish all the best for the future to all      He recalls: “All we knew was it was two
       supported and helped countless Federation   my colleagues who I leave behind. Tom, Tom   strides from a tree which had been marked
       members and colleagues who have been   the Fed Mon.”                     by a knife cut; I found the tree and, yes, the
       going through misconduct and personnel                                   jewellery was recovered during my dig.”
       issues. He was instrumental in starting up a                                And Lol adds: “I was the SOCO on many
       programme of West Midlands Police    Tom’s Federation facts              complex, fascinating investigations − and
       Federation Roadshows across the Force over                               nothing beats uncovering that bit of
       the last few years to promote the Police   November 2008 - Sgt Fed rep   evidence which leads to you identifying an
       Federation and all it has to offer to   Wolverhampton West Operational   offender and securing justice for victims.”
       members. He also helped launched Teapot   Command Unit                      In 2008 Lol − whose son is a Force
       1/Taypot 1 to offer support and                                          crime scene co-ordinator − joined the
       refreshments for members involved in   April 2010 - Sgt Fed rep Wolverhampton   Force’s Fingerprint Development
       policing large-scale events, including   Local Policing Unit             Laboratory.
       political party conferences and rallies.    2010 - 2012 - Deputy secretary National      Lol’s incredible service has recognised
          As chair, he has been a keen and active   Custody Forum, PFEW (influencing the   by the Chief Constable.
       supporter of the nationwide Protect the   safer detention and handling of persons      And even after 50 years’ service he’s
       Protectors campaign on officer assaults,   in custody and PACE related matters)  still passionate about police work: “My
       helping secure the introduction of spit                                  motivation has always been my passion for
       guards for all front-line West Mids police   May 2011 - Completed conduct and   forensic investigation. If money was my
       officers and the increase in Taser trainer   performance Federation course  motivation I would never have joined the
       officers, for their own and the public’s safety.  March 2012 - July 2016 - Deputy chair,   Force.
          But he says the biggest challenges have   West Midlands Police Federation Joint      “I’ve had a hugely satisfying career
       been managing members’ expectations in   Branch Board                    with lots of happy memories. I can still
       terms of police pay and conditions matters,   January 2014 - Completed health and   recall my first fingerprint identification
       especially the long-debated pension issues,   safety in the police service course  following a break-in at a shoe repair shop
       and seeing through the independent review.                               in West Bromwich… and I get the same
          “It was essential that we made the   November 2015 - Media course     buzz now from landing a forensics ‘hit’.”
       Federation fit for purpose for the 21st   April 2016 - Post-incident procedures      Lol is a member of the WMP bowls
       century, only then can it properly represent   course                    team and says: “My only regret is never
       the membership, negotiate effectively on                                 quite being able to land the National
       their behalf and seek to influence decision-  August 2016 - Present day chair West   Police Crown Green Bowls title. I was a
       makers. The review is still ongoing but great   Midlands Police Federation Joint Branch   beaten finalist twice, in 1973 and 1996.”
       strides have been made and we cannot live   Board.
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