Page 25 - Federation Magazine June / July 2017
P. 25

Watchdog attacked for
making firearms officers
feel like suspects

The Independent Police Complaints              and Wales who volunteer to carry firearms         investigations into firearms incidents since
       Commission (IPCC) has come under a      for being the best trained and most               2010, there had only been three cases where
       withering attack for making firearms    restrained in the world.                          officers were served with notices of
officers involved in a serious incident ‘feel  	 But he said those officers face a testing       investigation.
like suspects rather than witnesses’.          time if they discharge their weapon with the      	 The IPCC had only used its powers of
	 Che Donald, the Police Federation of         current Post-Incident Procedures (PIP) that       arrest once and she added that a member of
England and Wales (PFEW) lead on firearms,     are in place which say that officers should be    the public involved in a death would not be
was hugely critical of the IPCC, who he        separated from their colleagues.                  given 24 hours to compose themselves
accused of showing a ‘lack of trust’ in        	 “Once a firearms officer discharges a           before questioning, so there was a case for
firearms officers.                             weapon on behalf of the state and in order        equal treatment towards officers.
	 Later in the Firearms Officers –             to protect themselves or the public, they are     	 “We believe that having clear procedures
Witnesses or Suspects session, Sarah Green,    meant to be treated as professional               will protect officers and ensure consistency
the deputy chair of the IPCC, gave her         witnesses. However, if you speak to many          in approach,” she said.
response and outlined the processes they       firearms officers about this point, they will     	 Former Met firearms officer Tony Long
had to go through.                             tell you a different story,” he explained.        also told conference about his 25 years as a
	 Che said that incidents where firearms       	 “An overwhelming majority will say the          specialist firearms officer and trainer
have been discharged are very low in the UK.   way they are currently dealt with makes           covering incidents in which he had fired a
From April 2015 to March 2016, there were      them feel more like a suspect. There is only      weapon. Investigators looking at the
14,753 firearms operations but they were       one reason for this, the IPCC. Many officers      incidents later had the benefit of hindsight,
only discharged on seven occasions.            believe that IPCC investigations start to         freeze-framed videos and took months, and
	 As a result, he praised officers in England  establish blame not fact.                         sometimes years, to review those decisions
                                               	 He claimed that the issue of separation         officers made in a split second when facing a
 Former Met                                    was the main cause of concern in PIPs. He         life-threatening situation.
 firearms officer                              said there were grave concerns about the          	 Investigators, Tony said, need to know
 Tony Long.                                    IPCC’s insistence that officers should be         there is a difference between human recall
                                               separated at the post-incident suite to avoid     and the product of a video and explained
                                               ‘collusion’.                                      that video footage and separating officers
                                               	 “They stress that separation is not             would not produce best evidence.
                                               segregation but there is a perception of a        	 He outlined how an investigation
                                               lack of trust by the IPCC. It infers that         launched after he shot Azelle Rodney in 2005
                                               officers will collude. I believe the issue of     had hung over him ‘like a cloud’, cost him
                                               separation is flawed and unnecessary.             work and therefore caused financial
                                               	 “The IPCC are there to ensure that the          hardship until finally he was cleared.
                                               incident is investigated. The problem I have      	 He called on the IPCC to show the same
                                               is that we are currently in a position where      duty of care, empathy and sympathy to
                                               the police force is struggling with trust, faith  firearms officers involved in shootings as
                                               and confidence in the IPCC and this is not a      they showed to victims’ families saying their
                                               healthy place to be.”                             own families were equally victims in these
                                               	 Ms Green said that out of 25                    incidents.                                                                           federation June/July 2017 25
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