Page 30 - Federation Magazine June / July 2017
P. 30
Fed at the ready extensive caseload - a caseload replicated by
hundreds of Fed reps around the country.
If you have ever wondered what your Fed is survey in the UK and the data it produces is He says:“It’s now been recognised by chief
up to both on the front-line and behind the valuable for pay review bodies, for publicity officers that the Federation is a pivotal part, an
scenes - it is a lot! and for other issues. integral part in Force decision-making. That has
From North Wales workplace rep Mark “It’s helping to get the message out that not happened overnight , but is the result of
Jones to the Federation’s head of research and morale is low and that significant numbers of continuous and persistent efforts by our team.”
policy support, Dr Joan Donnelly, there were officer are leaving... It is getting the message Bedfordshire Federation secretary and
tales of change, progress and support helping out that we are not crying wolf but presenting treasurer Emma Carter revealed her
members now and in the future in an Annual credible data.” ‘rollercoaster of learning’since taking on the
Public Value Report in the final session of Catherine Feast, the Federation’s role. She talked of her‘culture shock’when, on
conference. communications manager, described the appointment, she suddenly found her views
Dr Donnelly described some of the issues importance of media relations, internal and being sought around the strategic top table
still being fought over pay and conditions, such external communications, digital and from senior staff who would never otherwise
as building the case for change for the one per campaign work. have listened to her.
cent cap on uplift. And she said:“If you think there are things She concluded:“As a rep, and more
There have, she said, been some successes we should be talking about and we are not specifically as a secretary, I have been shouted
with the Police Remuneration Review Body and talking about, please get in touch and we will at, ignored, hugged, bled on and cried on - tears
the Police Advisory Board but battles continue help you locally and potentially nationally.” of sadness and of joy. I know we do not always
on matters such as limited duties. Barry Fletcher who sits on the Change get things right and sometimes it will not
In the last three years, she said the Board described improvements made on always go the way the officers hope that it
operating environment has changed:“Evidence transparency, professionalism and governance will... but I am hopeful we are on the right path.
is becoming much more important, data is in line with the recommendations of the We need to do this together.”
becoming necessary and for that reason we independent review.
have been building research capability behind He said:“To be the best police service in OUR REP SAYS:
the scenes as well.” the world we must have the best in staff
She added:“Modern policy making requires association in the world.” “At one point there were seven
credible facts and figures and not just rhetoric.” North Wales Police Federation’s Mark Jones speakers on stage to tell us what
For instance, the Federation’s Pay and said the work of the workplace rep should not brilliant work the Federation does,
Morale Survey is now the largest workforce be underestimated, and described his yet because of that there wasn’t any
time for questions.”
PC John Williams
30 federation June/July 2017