Page 28 - Federation Magazine June / July 2017
P. 28

Pay reforms on their way,
says NPCC lead

Chief Constable Francis Habgood.  Plans for officer pay including the                apprenticeships, expected to start next
                                  introduction of the controversial Licence to       year, could bring a starting salary drop of
                                  Practise for high risk roles, a possible           20 per cent from the current entry level.
                                  Registration to Practise to reinforce core         	 Officers said a low salary could exclude
                                  skills, Advanced Practitioners and the new         older entrants and those with families, as
                                  apprenticeship scheme were outlined by the         the average start age for new police
                                  NPCC lead for pay and conditions during a          officers is currently 28. A potential starting
                                  Wednesday break-out session.                       salary for apprentices of £19,773 would
                                  	 The plans align closely with a review of         leave an individual with just £35 of
                                  rank structure, which Chief Constable Francis      disposable income after living costs.
                                  Habgood also discussed during his                  	 The Thames Valley Chief Constable set
                                  presentation.                                      out the principles for pay – a basic national
                                  	 He told delegates that while there was           pay structure, local flexibility (linked to the
                                  good and bad in the current pay structure he       cost of living), a link between pay and
                                  felt it was better to introduce a whole new        contribution, recognising competence and
                                  structure rather than adapt the existing           skills, a review of increments based on
                                  provisions.                                        time served, the consolidation of
                                  	 “In my view, increments based on time            appropriate allowances, a link between
                                  served don’t have a role to play in the future.    risk, responsibility and scale of role and the
                                  I don’t think regional pay works. But as an        fact that the total reward package must be
                                  example, I could imagine top level                 fair.
                                  constables earning more than entry level           	 CC Habgood said: “Ultimately police
                                  sergeants.”                                        pay has to be fair for people who work for
                                  	 Delegates expressed concerns that                forces and also for taxpayers.”

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