Page 4 - Federation Magazine June / July 2017
P. 4

Chairman’s introduction

Birmingham rises
to the challenge…

                                              Photo courtesy Express & Star  numbers attending, a move to a more            featured Merseyside’s James Ellerman giving
                                                                             central location seemed to make great          an honest and sobering account of the
By Tom Cuddeford, chairman of West                                           sense.                                         devastating effect of facing criminal and
Midlands Police Federation                                                   	 Nevertheless, I am guessing many             misconduct proceedings simply for doing his
                                                                             people didn’t exactly get excited about        job, protecting the public from harm.
I am sure there were many people who                                         ditching a coastal location for the centre of  	 I, for one, hope that those organising
     had reservations about moving the                                       our second city. However, I am hoping that     next year’s conference take heed of the
     Police Federation’s annual national                                     most people – despite the wet weather that     success of this approach and try to involve
conference from its comfortable location on                                  greeted them pretty much throughout            more front-line officers in next year’s event.
the south coast to the less-scenic centre of                                 conference – could see that what we lack in    	 While I am obviously proud that our
Birmingham.                                                                  sea views we make up for in so many other      officers played such a big part both on stage
	 The conference had been held in                                            ways.                                          and on the floor during conference, I am also
Bournemouth every year since 2008 and                                        	 Birmingham has a lot to offer and the        aware, of course, that many, many more
before that had alternated between the                                       International Convention Centre (ICC) makes    were involved behind the scenes in terms of
southern seaside resort and Blackpool. But,                                  a great venue for a conference.                ensuring the venue was secure and that
when the independent review of the Police                                    	 There must have been something about         delegates, observers, exhibitors and guests
Federation of England and Wales called for                                   the ‘home fixture’ that also brought West      were safe and secure. Thank you to everyone
the annual event to be trimmed down both                                     Midlands officers to the fore at conference    in Operations Support for their tireless
from three days to two and in terms of the                                   too.                                           efforts.
                                                                             	 From Chief Constable Dave Thompson           	 Moving away from our Force
                                                                             taking part in the opening morning’s           involvement in the conference, I think the
                                                                             political session (filling the shoes of Diane  event was a success. Along with a change of
                                                                             Abbott who was shifted to an afternoon slot    venue, the need to shrink the event down to
                                                                             to allow for the launch of the Labour Party’s  two days meant that the format also had to
                                                                             election manifesto) to our Fed rep Scott       be reviewed. Break-out sessions meant that
                                                                             Davies asking Home Secretary Amber Rudd a      it was a packed agenda, perhaps a little too
                                                                             question on matching resources with            packed but the Protecting The Protectors
                                                                             demand, our officers certainly played a full   theme ran throughout the conference
                                                                             part in the conference.                        sessions and made it feel far less disjointed
                                                                             	 We also saw Adam Koch honoured with          than in previous years.
                                                                             an award (see right) and Mike Bruce’s input    	 The issue of officer welfare – mentally
                                                                             in the Protect The Protectors debate was one   and physically – was a thread running
                                                                             of the highlights of conference showing that   through pretty much all the debates and
                                                                             front-line officers’ testimonies as to the     that has to be a good thing.
                                                                             issues they face are far more impactive than   	 Amber Rudd only took over as Home
                                                                             long speeches by politicians or other          Secretary in July last year, with the timing of
                                                                             stakeholders.                                  her appointment proving to be particularly
                                                                             	 This was also in evidence in the session     useful since her first appointment in the role
                                                                             on police pursuits which was led by our own    was to attend the national Police Bravery
                                                                             deputy secretary Tim Rogers but also           Awards. If that awards ceremony doesn’t tell

04 federation June/July 2017                                                                                      
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