Page 9 - Federation Magazine June / July 2017
P. 9

“ So, 3,000 is not just a number. It is
                                       much, much more than that:
                                    ·	 It’s 3,000 fewer police officers
                                                   patrolling and protecting


                                                   ·	 3,000 fewer cops investigating crimes

                                                     and supporting vulnerable victims;

                                                   ·	 3,000 fewer tackling cyber-crime,

                                                   dealing with historic offences and

                                                     tackling the atrocities of terrorism.

                                                   ·	 A sorry total of 20,000 police officers

                                                   over the last four years.

                                                   	 A powerful message for you and for
through the court.                                 	 all seeking to be elected next month.
	 Police pay was also brought into focus.          	 Policing is on its knees.
	 Addressing the issue, the chair said: “A         	 It is fighting for its life.
new government will be formed next month
with an opportunity to make changes for            recognises that we are the best police          OUR REPS SAY:
the better. So, allow me to suggest one.           service in the world. A Home Secretary who
Remove the shackles from the Police                will fight to ensure we are able to remain so.  “I thought his speech covered all
Remuneration Review Body. Allow them to            A Home Secretary who will fight to ensure       of the main points that front-line
take the evidence we provide – full and            we are able to do what is expected of us. A     officers find most concerning. It was
detailed analysis – and decide for                 Home Secretary who will fight to ensure we      similar in tone to previous years
themselves what pay award officers should          have the right equipment, protection,           but there was a solemn tribute to
receive.                                           funding and numbers.                            Keith Palmer followed by a focus on
	 “We have evidenced the need for an               	 “We are proud to be British police            officer safety and safety on all fronts
uplift of 2.8 per cent. The difference between     officers. We are proud to do our duty. All we   that included, officer numbers,
an increase of one per cent and 2.8 per cent       ask is that government does its duty too.       equipment and the law. He told the
- £90 million. While that may sound like a         And Protects The Protectors.”                   Home Secretary that we cannot
lot, in the scheme of government budgets                                                           continue to do everything and the
it’s negligible.                                                                                   public must be told that. He stated
	 “And that increase would be just to                                                              you can either ‘put resources in or
stand still. To stand still so that we don’t lose                                                  take demand out’. This is something
even more that the real terms decrease in                                                          that Sir Thomas Winsor even
pay of 15 per cent that we have already                                                            recognised in his speech and in his
suffered.”                                                                                         State Of Policing report as HMCIC.”
	 He closed his speech by summarising                                                              Steve Grange, secretary of West Midlands
what he and the Federation want from the                                                           Police Federation
Government:                                                                                        “Same old, same old.”
l	 a national system of welfare provision                                                          PC John Williams

    for police officers
l	 legal protections for officers doing their

l	 the right protective equipment for

l	 no further budget cuts
l	 an immediate halt in the reduction of

    officer numbers
l	 a progressive culture and an open

    environment where the police service
    learns from its mistakes.
	 He concluded: “And finally, we want a
government that supports the police. Not
just in words. In actions too.
	 “We want a Home Secretary who                                                                             federation June/July 2017 09
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