Page 14 - Federation Magazine June / July 2017
P. 14
Chief sets systems, highly diverse communities,
out Force’s organised crime, and international terrorism
challenges to everyday neighbourhood issues.
“We are also a force that, like your own,
West Midlands Police Chief Constable David Thompson. is much smaller than in the recent past and
P rotecting The Protectors needs to doing ever more. WMP2020, our change
start with emotional wellbeing - the role is no longer the preserve of the programme, has re-modelled our force,
West Midlands Police Chief Constable street cop with a growing number of staff re-focussing and adapting to our budget
exposed to online imagery of sexual abuse challenge, but more importantly enabling us
to face head on the envisaged changes in
David Thompson told conference as he and radicalisation. demand as we see a rise in crime against
those who are the most vulnerable and
welcomed delegates to Birmingham. “It is positive that these strains are no world-wide phenomena such as terrorism
and cyber-crime. This is tough work and our
He spoke at the beginning of the longer things solved in the pub but our staff staff work harder than ever.”
He continued by telling Federation
two-day conference, which for the first time are now far more open to seeking help or representatives: “You are right to ensure we
have a well-equipped service. However,
was held on his patch, saying: “The mental support.” whilst we rightly want to equip staff well it
is vital at a time of serious threat we move
challenges of policing have become a bigger He spoke of services that are available to with care.”
Mr Thompson raised concerns he had
issue for the service. his officers in the West Midlands which about how the changing appearance of
policing may be affecting the way officers
“Many in policing feel over-criticised and allow them to seek the relevant help and are seen by those they serve.
He explained: “It is important the debate
under-valued. A 24/7 global and social media support before saying all forces are going to on equipment is not an insular one and
continues to secure public consent. This is
ensures your actions can create an almost need to spend more to care, nurture and something ever more important in cities like
this one here with highly diverse
instantaneous impact thousands of miles support their staff. communities.
“The greater our ability to project force
away. A growing trend to examine actions of And he confirmed West Midlands Police to protect ourselves the more care we need
to take on trust. It is a simple fact that, for a
staff in the past creates pressures on the is to begin community consultation on great many reasons, powers are used more
frequently on some communities and
service of today. issuing spit guards. groups than others.”
He added: “Put simply the overwhelming
“Restricted pay growth at a time where He said: “Policing this region is majority of the public know we are on their
side; however that relationship cannot be
family spending is coming under pressure challenging for West Midlands officers. We taken for granted.”
He went on to speak about the Force’s
could well test our ability to attract, retain face a full range of policing challenges five-year programme ‘Fairness in Policing’
which has been launched to ensure it is a
and reward fairly. The emotional strain of ranging from one of the busiest road force that lives by the principles of
procedural justice when dealing with staff
and public.
He said: “In this search of continued
legitimacy through fairer policing, I hope we
can work with Government to look again at
the misconduct and complaints
arrangements which continue to reinforce a
culture of blame and fear in our service and
fails to satisfy anyone.
“Too often it acts as a sea anchor on real
change. Most cops are simply good people
trying to do their best in a very complex and
imperfect world. We should not make this
any harder.”
And he concluded by reminding the rank
and file that they ‘should never forget’ they
do the best job in the world.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I sense
challenging times lie ahead but exciting
ones too,” he told delegates.
“As I look at our new recruits who burst
with pride to join our ranks we should never
forget this is a huge honour and the best job
in the world.”
14 federation June/July 2017