Page 11 - Federation Magazine June / July 2017
P. 11

o tell the police

officers had been in the best    bring more people from outside policing into
interests of the country.        the force. But it’s been right for the country
	 “You haven’t agreed with       and the public. And if the Conservatives are
the changes we’ve made to        re-elected we will go further and open up the
pay and pensions, but they       very top jobs in policing so that we get the
were right for the country       broadest possible skills and talent at the very
and the public to tackle the     top of our police forces.”
huge deficit we inherited.
You haven’t agreed with the       OUR REPS SAY:
drive for greater efficiency in
policy budgets, but it’s been     “Amber Rudd started by paying
right for the country and the     tribute to Keith Palmer and all of the
public,” the Home Secretary       fallen officers during the previous
told officers.                    12 months as well as committing
	 “You haven’t agreed with        to support the building of the new
the steps we’ve taken to          police memorial, albeit there was no
                                  promise of any further funding for            this. From this point on the remainder
                                  of the Home Secretary’s speech
                                  seemed to be the same as delivered
                                  by Theresa May at her last conference
                                  12 months ago. There was nothing
                                  new, the same rhetoric and platitudes
                                  receiving derision from the audience
                                  when she came out with the line,
                                  ‘the Conservative Party will be the
                                  party of law and order’. She claimed
                                  to have cut red tape and a target
                                  driven culture, which is not something
                                  that is being witnessed by officers at
                                  the front-line. The remainder of the
                                  speech was blatant electioneering
                                  when she called the Labour hierarchy
                                  a ‘group of Marxists’.
                                  	 “One positive from the Q & A came
                                  when she confirmed her support for
                                  police forces to roll-out the use of spit
                                  guards to protect officers from the
                                  degrading and disgusting behaviour
                                  of some people that officers have to
                                  deal with.”
                                  Steve Grange, secretary of West Midlands
                                  Police Federation
                                  “Just a party political speech.”
                                  PC John Williams

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