Page 10 - Federation Magazine June / July 2017
P. 10

‘It’s not for me to
how to do their j

Astaggering 4.5 million hours of police          public. And we’ve taken steps to significantly   willingness to put yourself in harm’s way,
         time have been saved thanks to a cut    restrict the circumstances in which a police     day after day, in order to protect the rest of
         in red-tape – according to Home         station may be a ‘place of safety’ with          us.”
Secretary Amber Rudd.                            £15 million invested into health-based           	 She went on to pay tribute to PC Keith
	 She made the claim during her speech to        alternatives.”                                   Palmer and the other officers who have lost
a packed hall on Day 2 of the annual             	 She continued: “And if I’m re-appointed        their lives in the past year, before pledging
conference in Birmingham.                        as your Home Secretary I will continue to        her commitment to support the new UK
	 And she said that if her party was             work with the health secretary so that the       Police Memorial.
re-elected on 8 June more top officer jobs       police do not do the jobs of other public        	 And she insisted the decisions her party
will be opened up to those outside of            servants, so you are not the service of first    had made which weren’t well received by
policing.                                        resort.
	 “The public don’t pay their taxes so that      	 “You asked me to bring in a new two
the police sit in their office filling out       shot Taser gun, and I’ve done that because
meaningless forms,” she said.                    you keep us safe and it’s right we keep you
	 “And you didn’t come into policing to          safe too. You asked us to better fund mental
waste your time on paperwork when you            health services for officers up and down the
could be out serving the communities you         country. And if I’m returned to this post in 22
swore to protect. So we have cut pointless       days, signing off that bid, Steve, will be one
red tape. With 4.5 million hours of police       of the first things I do.”
time saved – that’s the equivalent of 2,100      	 Her first ever engagement after
police officers no longer sitting in a back      becoming Home Secretary in July was the
office and instead fighting crime in their       Police Bravery Awards – which is where she
community.                                       heard about the Nice terror attack.
	 “And we’ve cut the target culture. No          	 She told the room: “That moment will
longer does the Home Office send dozens of       stay for me for the rest of my life. As I
‘policy’ documents each year with thousands      watched our brave police officers being
of central diktats. It’s not for me to tell the  recognised for their extraordinary acts of
police how to do their jobs.”                    courage, the horrible events on the streets of
	 She went on to pledge that as long as          Nice were unfolding. The best of our values,
she was Home Secretary there would be no         embodied in the actions of our policemen
‘constant interfering from Westminster’.         and women, set in stark relief
	 “Without that constant interference,           against the very worst of
we’ve seen the proportion of police officers     human behaviour.
on the front-line rise,” she said.               	 “We owe you, the police, an
	 “With priorities now set by locally            incredible debt, for the courage
elected PCCs and delivered by you, ensuring      and bravery you exhibit in the
once again that the ‘police are the public       line of duty. For your
and the public are the police’.”
	 Ms Rudd said her party had protected
the protectors, saying: “You asked us to
change the law so that anyone who kills a
cop gets a mandatory life sentence. We
listened, and now anyone convicted of
murdering an officer faces a life sentence.
	 “You asked us to do more to stop police
officers doing the work of a doctor or nurse,
caring for mentally ill members of the

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