Page 13 - Federation Magazine June / July 2017
P. 13

in violent crime over the last year, which is a   situation.”                                      implore you to put a surprise visit in and see
different issue, crime has fallen by a third.     Nick: “Until you tell other agencies not to      what is actually going on in forces.”
Also, the PEEL reports show different areas       place the burden of first resort service on us,  AR: “Andy, you’re going to be my first
having different successes so some areas are      until you resolve that, we are always on the     surprise visit.”
able to have strong responses and they are        back foot.”
not the forces with the largest amounts of        AR: “We are trying to address the issue of       Phill Matthews, Nottinghamshire: “Can I
money but they have got excellent                 making sure the police isn’t the agency for      ask you to show your support for our
leadership. So I don’t agree it’s all about       every issue. I accept your invitation to come    members and police officers up and down
numbers and money, it’s about great               to West Yorks if I’m in position after 8 June.   the country to devote some Parliamentary
leadership being able to deliver with a                                                            time for looking at increasing sentences for
tighter budget.”                                  Andy Symonds, Norfolk: “We’re relying on         those that assault our members, the police
                                                  officers’ goodwill because HR cannot fill the    officers out there trying to keep you all
Nick Smart, West Yorkshire: “(Chief               gaps. We are firefighting and officers have      safe?”
Constables) don’t have the money to deal          had enough.                                      AR: “All assaults on public servants are
with demand. Will you give us more money          AR: “I don’t have an answer to that but          treated as an aggravated crime so
for more cops? This is happening everywhere       when I go on a tour around after 8 June, I’ll    sentencing already reflects that and we
and if you’re being told it’s not happening,      come to see you…”                                have the legislation to do that. But I will
you need to change your advisors.”                Andy: “But when you arrive at a force            keep it under review and keep looking at the
AR: “I’m sorry to hear the description of your    they’ve probably got officers on over-time       numbers of crimes against police officers
force. I have visited forces over the past eight  they wouldn’t normally have and jobs will be     which are reported separately.”
or nine months now and I haven’t seen that        withheld while you’re touring round so I

West Mids PC questions Home Secretary

A West Midlands officer asked Home                constables have the right funds and tools to     the past.
Secretary Amber Rudd if there were any plans      help them deliver on the ground and I would      	 “For instance, some missing person reports
in place to divert non-police matters away        encourage them to bid into the Police            shouldn’t even grace our door, certainly, where
from the police service to alleviate the burden   Transformation Fund to help them to focus on     there is a carer, a guardian or someone else
on officers.                                      areas they need to - visible policing and        able to conduct reasonable enquiries before it
	 PC Scott Davies said: “Cutting crime, no        preventative work.”                              becomes a police matter. For instance, only
more, no less, was a short-sighted view by the    	 Talking about the other pressures on           this morning we have a log asking for a safe
previous Home Secretary, but a step in the        policing, she said: “I hope we’re making good    and well check on someone from a support
right direction, yet we seem to have gone to      progress on mental health; there has been a      worker. If they are a support worker, what or
the other extreme. We get inundated with          £15 million investment in places of safety and   who are they actually supporting?
things that have nothing to do with the           there is a 50 per cent reduction in people with  	 “In regard to how the Force could manage
police, but as a service we still try to pick     mental health issues using police cells. We      things better, we simply need to tell people
everything up and make it work for fear of        have also set up hotlines to divert some issues  ‘thanks for your call, but this is not a police
criticism and accountability.                     such as fraud and maybe we could look at this    matter, we won’t be dealing’, but the only time
	 “It’s time we started pushing back. It          again if we get re-elected on 8 June.”           I ever see this is if we get an alarm call. If their
needs to be cut out before the police are even    	 Scott has recently moved to Force Contact      alarm code has expired or does not match, we
considered as a point of contact. In light of     having worked Birmingham City Centre and         don’t send anyone, yet, to me, any alarm
huge budget cuts to the police in recent          says this influenced his question.               reported IS a police matter, whether it’s a false
years, what plans are in place to alleviate the   	 He explained: “I was surprised by the          activation or not.”
burden placed upon officers, call handlers and    amount of logs we get that we try to resource    	 Scott says the answer he received was a
the Force as a whole to divert non-police         when sometimes we should just say ‘No’.          typical politician’s response, translated into ‘It’s
issues away from us?’                             We’ve had huge cuts over the years, crime        not my problem’, passing the book to chief
	 Ms Rudd responded: “It’s not for                isn’t going down as the Home Secretary           officers. “Steve White hit the nail on the head,
Westminster or for me to tell you or your         stated and demand just continues to rise. We     when he said invest or divest, i.e. give us the
Chief Constable how to run and manage the         simply do not have the capacity to deal with     money to manage with the demand, or rid us
police. We will always make sure the chief        everything that comes our way like we did in     of the burden placed upon us,” he explained.                                                                             federation June/July 2017 13
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