Page 5 - Federation Magazine June / July 2017
P. 5

a politician just how unique a role we play in                   Chair’s opening address
society, then nothing will.
	 To be fair, she did acknowledge that and,     Our first duty:
since we have not had the easiest ride with     Protecting the Protectors
Ms Rudd’s predecessor at the Home Office, I
would say that she got off to a reasonable      “Together we are stronger. Only together         	 Change, he warned, is constant. The
start with us. Having said that, the            we are more influential, only together can       past is a place of reference, not residency,
performance of her Labour counterpart,          we continue Protecting The Protectors.”          the chair pointed out, adding that the
Diane Abbott, the day before, made it easier    That was the opening message to the              reform of PFEW following the independent
for her to make an impression. The Shadow       2017 annual conference from Police               review had given it strong foundations so
Home Secretary seemed to be ill-informed or     Federation of England and Wales (PFEW)           that it best represents members.
badly briefed. Her answers on spit guards       chair Steve White.                               	 During the past year, he has visited
showed a complete lack of understanding         	 Reform to meet the changing needs of           Police Federation members in forces up
and she left herself wide open for criticism    members is, he said, being driven not by         and down the country including
there.                                          Government but by members themselves.            Merseyside, the Met, Humberside,
	 Immediately after conference, I was           The Federation’s first duty, he emphasised,      Cleveland, GMP, South Wales, North Wales,
invited to take part in an interview about      was Protecting The Protectors and this           Cumbria, Staffordshire, Nottinghamshire,
spit guards on Midlands Today so let’s hope     theme would run throughout conference.           Northumbria and Thames Valley and he
that the general public come to understand      	 As it nears its centenary, PFEW is now,        will be visiting many more before this year
the need for officers to have this essential    he said, ‘more efficient, more open and          is out.
bit of kit a little better than Ms Abbott       transparent, more vocal, more influential        	 While listening to the concerns raised
appears to. It really is quite simple – if a    and more responsive to our members than          by members on these visits, he says he has
member of the public doesn’t want us to put     ever before.”                                    yet to find one who has not responded
a spit guard on them, don’t spit. Maybe         	 Although he warned that there is still         positively on the changes being made to
anyone with reservations about them could       some work to do, the Federation is well          ensure PFEW can respond strongly on
listen to Mike Bruce’s story and try to put     placed for the next 98 and more years:           their behalf. The Federation was putting
themselves in his shoes?                        “Your National Council now truly                 members at the heart of all it does.
	 So conference 2017 has come and gone.         influences and scrutinises, not paying lip       	 Adding that it was a ‘monumental
This edition of the magazine gives a            service, not just once a year at conference,     privilege’ to chair the Federation, Steve
rundown of all the key sessions, please take    regularly meeting to drive the direction of      warned: “What is certain is that the
the time to read about conference and if you    the organisation whilst also holding the         challenges ahead will be harder than we
want to find out more or listen to the full     Board to account and, speaking from              think, more surprising than we expect, but
debates, please visit There is a    experience, holding principal officers and       we will be better equipped to do what we
section dedicated to conference and you can     myself to account, and rightly so.”              are asked to do by our members.”
watch videos of all the main sessions
including some of the break-out                 Award first for Adam
	 On the whole, it was a great success,         Brave West Midlands PC Adam Koch has             	 Adam is convinced his stab vest prevented
some fine-tuning will no doubt be done for      become the first UK officer to receive an        his injuries from being fatal and has been left
next year’s event which will once again be      award under a scheme that recognises those       with a lasting legacy beyond his physical
hosted in our great city.                       who during the line of duty have experienced     injuries due to the mental trauma of receiving
                                                a life-threatening incident in which their body  life-changing injuries.
l	 As we were going to print, news came         armour contributed to saving their lives.        	 After receiving his award Adam said: “The
    through of the terrorist attack in          	 Adam and fellow West Midlands officer          SAVES club offers a fantastic support network
    Manchester. As a Federation, we would       Jean Stevens were also the first joint winners   for those affected by incidents like mine. It
    like to extend our heartfelt sympathy to    of the national Police Bravery Awards in 2015    has put me in touch with other officers that
    the families and friends who lost loved     after responding to reports of a disturbance     have suffered a similar trauma and I hope to
    ones. Our thoughts are also with those      at a mosque, during which three worshippers      help kick-start something similar for
    injured and we wish them a speedy           had been stabbed.                                colleagues affected in the UK.”
    recovery while also thinking of our         	 Adam and Jean confronted the knifeman          	 Adam and Jean have also received a
    colleagues at GMP and the other             and attempted to subdue him with a Taser,        commendation from their Chief Constable for
    emergency workers and volunteers who        which he ‘shrugged off’.                         preventing more worshippers being hurt and
    did their very best to help those caught    	 But Adam managed to wrestle the                potentially killed.
    up in this atrocity.                        suspect to the ground and disarm him with
                                                the help of Jean and worshippers before
	 We know that the security level for the       realising he had been stabbed and wounded
    UK has now been raised to ‘critical’, the   in the chest and stomach in the incident in
    highest level for 10 years. That will, of   Birmingham in 2014.
    course, have an effect on the Force and     	 He was presented with his award by Todd
    we would like to express our thanks to      Mackler, the vice president of Armour
    all those officers in the West Midlands     Division, on the opening day of conference.
    who are doing their utmost to protect       Armour Division makes body armour and runs
    the communities we serve at this time.      the Safariland SAVES Club, which supports
                                                officers whose stab vest has helped saved
                                                their lives.                                                                           federation June/July 2017 05
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