Page 21 - WMPF Federation Aug-Sept 2017
P. 21

Federation urges

       MPs to speak out in

       support of police

            he region’s newly elected MPs are   among members as officers struggle to   one-year period, really does matter and
            being urged to call on the Government   match dwindling resources with ever-  impacts on policing.
       Tto invest in policing so the Force can   increasing demands.               “Here in the West Midlands, we have lost
       deliver what is expected of it.        The letter to MPs comes after West   2,000 officers since 2010. Not only does this
          Tom Cuddeford, chairman of West   Midlands DI Warren Hines revealed, in an   impact on the service the public receive here
       Midlands Police Federation, has written to all   interview with Sky News, that an increasing   but it also impacts on the welfare and
       local MPs urging them to support their   number of police officers are considering   efficiency of police officers.
       police officers by speaking up on their behalf   suicide because of the strains they are      “The threats and dangers officers face
       in Parliament and asking them to campaign   facing.                      continue to increase, while the protective
       for increased funding for the service.     And, Chief Constable Dave Thompson   equipment supplied and sentencing
          “We need a commitment to make    has also set out his own concerns, calling for   deterrent for those convicted of assault on
       changes for the better. We appreciate there   funding to be stabilised with real term   an officer remains largely unchanged.”
       is no quick fix but after years of budget cuts   protection for policing, more effective      The Federation’s letter to MPs also
       it is time for a re-investment in policing, for   spending within forces and targeted   mentioned the Police Federation’s national
       the good of the police service, our local   Government spending to help the service   Protect The Protectors campaign, which
       communities and the public we serve,” says   tackle threats such as terrorism.  aims to highlight the dangers front-line
       Tom.                                   West Midland Police Federation    public servants face and calls for an increase
          “As the Force has adapted to reductions   secretary Steve Grange has also highlighted   in the tariff for those convicted of assault on
       in funding, it has struggled to deal with   the huge importance the public in West   all emergency service workers.
       traditional offences while also rising to the   Midlands placed on policing and the fact      West Midlands Police Federation is
       challenges of new and emerging crimes such   that officer numbers, resourcing and the   hoping to meet local MPs so it can explain
       as cyber-crime, child sexual exploitation and   welfare of officers rightly came under the   the issues affecting its members and the
       human trafficking and the growing threat of   media spotlight before the General Election.  police service as a whole.
       terrorism.                             “During the election campaigning all      Steve concludes: “The men and women
          “It is becoming more and more difficult   political parties pledged to work to keep the   of West Midlands Police who run towards
       for us to provide an effective service for   nation safe and secure, particularly in the   danger to protect their communities seek
       victims of crime and walk the beats in our   light of the terrorist attacks in Manchester   their MPs’ support. This support would help
       communities to offer a reassuring visible   and London,” Steve explains.  ensure their welfare needs are met and that
       policing presence and fight crime and      “The message we heard was loud and   their pay and conditions of service reflect the
       terrorism through effective neighbourhood   clear and supported what we have been   difficult and dangerous job they undertake
       policing.”                          saying for some time: police numbers do   on behalf of the public.
          The Federation leader also pointed out   matter. The loss across England and Wales      “It could also help ensure the police
       the effect the cuts were having on officers’   of 21,500 police officers since 2009,   service is properly resourced so that the
       welfare and efficiency, highlighting growing   including 1,260 firearms officers and more   public can be properly protected.”
       levels of sickness and stress-related illnesses   than 3,250 neighbourhood officers in a

       Firearms survey - do you want to be routinely armed?

       All Federation members across the country are going to be asked if   Midlands Police Federation, “Members were last surveyed on this
       they would like to be routinely armed in a survey being conducted   issue in 2006 when the vast majority said they did not want to carry
       throughout August.                                    firearms.  Of course, we have seen considerable changes in the last
          The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) survey will   11 years so it will be interesting to see if officers’ views have changed
       be sent directly to officers via the member database.  too.”
          “There has been much debate about routine arming of police      The survey will take around 10 minutes to complete and will
       officers lately so the Federation has decided it’s time to ask officers   close on 1 September. Results are expected towards the end of
       themselves for their views,” says Tom Cuddeford, chairman of West   September.

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