Page 24 - WMPF Federation Aug-Sept 2017
P. 24

Mental health

       Sarah’s leading the                                                      operational training with regards to dealing

                                                                                with people suffering from mental health
                                                                                issues, training and support resources for
       way with the Force’s                                                     officers and staff was limited and needed
                                                                                   I feel it was absolutely the right thing to

                                                                                do in creating the post, not only to
       mental health                                                            demonstrate the organisation’s commitment
                                                                                to the mental health and wellbeing of its
                                                                                employees, but to provide some expertise to
                                                                                guide the development of services, strategy
                                                                                and direction.

                                            could be used to their potential.   And were you surprised by what you found in
                                               Having had a family member work in the   terms of the general mental health of
                                            police, I was aware of many of the challenges   officers and staff?
                                            faced by today’s police officers and staff and   I was not surprised at what I observed coming
                                            as a result the significant impact seen on   in to the organisation, rather my concerns
                                            health and wellbeing.               and suspicions were confirmed; that there
                                               I believed I had a lot to offer WMP and its   was a high rate of sickness absence relating
                                            workforce to address the mental health and   to mental health issues, the experience of
                                            wellbeing agenda in a positive and proactive   trauma and its impact on health and
                                            manner, with long lasting benefits.  wellbeing is an ‘occupational hazard’ and one
                                               I particularly liked the variety of the work   which is under reported or recognised by
                                            which the role offered, from line managing   employees and that employees don’t always
                                            the Employee Support team to writing   feel supported by the organisation when
                                            organisational strategy, and that no two days   suffering with mental health and wellbeing
                                            are the same.
       Sarah Cavendish is the Force’s mental                                       As a society we have become more aware
                                            What was your first impression of the Force?
       health lead and took up the post in   My first impressions of the Force were that it   of mental health issues within the workplace,
       November 2016. She is based at Tally   was a proactive organisation regarding   although there are still many who believe
                                                                                that voicing their issues will be interpreted as
       Ho and works full-time across the Force   workplace wellbeing evidenced through the   ‘weakness’, inability to do their job and
       area.                                Chief Constable’s vision, The People Deal and   ‘problematic’, in addition to which avenues of
                                            commitment to providing support resources
          She agreed to take part in a Q and A                                  support can be hard to identify.
                                            for staff, whether through occupational
       feature to give Federation members an                                       As life has become more complex, so too
                                            health or an Employee Assistance
       insight into her work.               Programme.                          has work-life; the challenges of modern day
                                               However, due to austerity, I also observed   policing, austerity and terrorist threats.
       Can you give us a brief career history?  that the organisation was facing a   However, the commitment from officers and
       I qualified as an occupational therapist in   challenging period in relation to staff morale,   staff to serve and protect the public is
       1999 and commenced my first post in a   sickness absence and, in particular, the   stronger than ever and provides an intrinsic
       medium secure hospital. I remained working   mental health and wellbeing of its workforce.   stressor regardless of rank, role or level of
       in secure care, both in the NHS and for a   Having said that, there was a tangible ‘thirst’   experience.
       charitable organisation, until spring 2007   to address these challenges from all areas of
       during which time I worked with people   the organisation and across all ranks/roles,   And what about the support they were
       suffering with a range of mental disorders, in   which was demonstrated by enthusiastic   offered?
       addition to their offending behaviour. In   employees presenting themselves to me as   Support for individuals varied, but started
       summer 2007, I joined Coventry University as   soon as I took up post to offer their support   with the line manager, who was able to
       a senior lecturer and have been educating   and skills to assist my in whatever way they   advise and offer practical support to help
       future health and social care professionals for   could. An amazing offering which highlighted   people deal with their mental health and
       the last nine years.                 to me the ‘community’ and ‘family’ spirit of   wellbeing in the workplace. If the line
          During my career I have been interested in   the organisation which I was now part of and   manager felt they needed support to support
       organisational health and completed my MSc   excited to work with to achieve   a member of staff, they could make contact
       research on the work-life balance of British   organisational wellbeing.   with the line manager advisor or occupational
       police officers, which then led to a wider                               health department, depending on what the
       interest in the wellbeing of police officers and   Why do you feel it was necessary for this   issue was.
       staff and a desire to work with them in some   new role to be created?      If a referral was made into occupational
       capacity.                            I am the first dedicated mental health lead for   health, the individual could be seen by a team
                                            internal mental health and wellbeing (the   of qualified clinical professionals to help
       What attracted you to your current role?  workforce). On taking up post, I understood   determine the most appropriate ways to
       I was keen to explore a new area of practice   that mental health and wellbeing issues had   support them in and keep them in work. The
       and seeing this post advertised piqued my   been on the increase within WMP, particularly   team comprises; nurses, physiotherapists,
       interest! I liked the idea of returning to public   in relation to sickness absence. It was felt that   counsellors and a doctor.
       sector working and to a role in which my skills   while officers and staff may have some      In addition to these more formal support

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