Page 25 - WMPF Federation Aug-Sept 2017
P. 25

mechanisms, many staff talked about great   the organisation I can only do this with the   will be best placed to signpost to other forms
       support coming other resources such as the   help, support and commitment of the   of support and resources and will have a
       Police Federation, the Force chaplaincy team   organisation, its employees and its   personal relationship with you. Other avenues
       and the staff association groups to name a   supporting agencies. To date the support and   like BWell or occupational health can then be
       few.                                skills that I have been offered, will, I believe,   considered.
                                           help us to meet and even surpass our goals to
       How long did it take you to work out what   enable WMP to be a ‘leading light’ in   What are your goals for the rest of this year?
       was needed and what goals did you set   addressing mental health and wellbeing in   They are to:
       yourself? How is that progressing?  the workplace.                       l  Plan the next Mental Health & Wellbeing
       Within the first three months I was able to                                 event for 2018
       identify the main areas of need in relation to   How are things improving?  l  Review the use of the MIND Bluelight
       the mental health and wellbeing of the   It is too early to have any meaningful data on   champion initiative
       workforce. The priority goals that were set   improvements in this area, however, I would   l  Develop a staff association group for
       included:                           expect there to be some within the next three   people with mental health issues, those
       l  The development of a mental health and   to six months. Anecdotally though, we are   who have suffered these issues in the
         wellbeing strategy. The strategy has been   hearing that employees are starting to see   past and also for those caring for
         written and is informing the development   changes that have been implemented and are   someone with mental health issues
         of a wider wellbeing strategy led by Tina   able to identify a core group of people   l  Deliver a professional Employee Support
         Cook, head of wellbeing.          dedicated to this agenda; Tina Cook, Amanda   service based on organisational need.
       l  An audit of the resources and support   Young (employee engagement manager),
         available to staff. A basic audit of   myself, the occupational health team and the   And for 2018?
         resources and support has been carried   chaplaincy team. We hope that this core   I am aiming to:
         out through visits around the Force, focus   group of people will continue to grow and   l  Inform the L & D strategy for delivering
         groups and a review of the intranet, and  develop.                        employee wellbeing training
       l  The restructure of the Employee Support                                  programmes, to cover education around
         service.  Occupational health as a   What support is now available to officers and   mental health and wellbeing, resilience,
         department is currently undergoing   staff through the Force?             individual responsibility and coping
         investment and restructure to better   The biggest change or addition for employees   mechanisms
         accommodate the organisational needs,   has been the introduction of an Employee   l  Have spent time in all areas of the
         this has included the provision from   Assistance programme called BWell, delivered   organisation to best understand the
         Employee Support. We are aiming to   through an external provider to offer 24/7   needs of the organisation.
         re-launch our updated services in August.  access to a variety of support and resources,      Other goals and aims I’m sure will develop
       Some of the work remains ongoing and will   inclusive of counselling, financial advice, line   as we progress the agenda.
       be reviewed regularly.              manager support, an online CBT programme
                                           and a lifestyle app.                 Thought for the day…
       What do you consider your biggest success      The service was launched in June and the   As a Force, we have a large staff population
       so far?                             uptake has been amazing, anecdotal feedback   which can make training and educating
       I believe there have been two ‘BIG’ success   has also been extremely positive. We will   people about health and wellbeing a
       stories for me so far and they are:  continue to engage with the provider to   challenge and causes you to think ‘outside the
       l  The Mental Health & Wellbeing event in   ensure the offering is a responsive to the   box’ and seek a multi-layered approach to
         February 2017 held at Tally Ho, and  needs of our organisation as possible.  answering those needs.
       l  The way in which people have embraced      As I mentioned earlier, we are also      Influencing a change in culture to one
         my role and contribution with openness   investing in the occupational health   that encourages people to take care of
         and enthusiasm.                   department and will see the number of staff   themselves and not be afraid to discuss their
          The Mental Health & Wellbeing event   increase over coming months, as well as   mental health issues is key and so I would
       was a resounding success with nearly 200   positive changes to the delivery of the service   encourage everyone to take five minutes of
       officers and staff in attendance. The day was   which will be implemented in August. These   their day (in or out of work) and consider the
       filled with enigmatic speakers, workshops   will be communicated fully across the Force   following questions:
       and stands for everyone to engage with.   and training provided as and when necessary.  l  Do I have wellbeing when I am at work?
       Evaluation of the event confirmed the need      Occupational health and BWell are the   l  What can I do to develop my own
       for events such as this and showed that ‘It’s   two main avenues of support that I would   wellbeing at work? And,
       OK to talk!’                        recommend people explore, however, we   l  What can I do to enable work to support
          Our aim is for this to be an annual event,   know that support is personal to the   me in the workplace?
       supported by smaller events throughout the   individual and it may be that officers and staff
       year. One of the requests from the day was to   need to ‘try out’ different options before they   I would be happy to hear of thoughts and
       establish a support/staff group for people   find what works for them. This may include   ideas and can be contacted on the following;
       with or caring for people with a mental   support from the chaplaincy, the Police   Sarah Cavendish (58434)
       health issue. This is currently being developed   Federation, the staff association groups, the   Mental health lead
       – so watch this space!              Benevolent Fund or Police Mutual and so on.  Shared Services
          I have been completely bowled over by      For anyone who is feeling stressed or   West Midlands Police
       the welcome I have received and enthusiasm   anxious or dealing with mental health issues I   Tally Ho, Pershore Road, Birmingham B5 7RN.
       from employees to engage with the mental   would always advise to seek support   Internal Tel: 802 3036
       health and wellbeing agenda. While my role   internally, in the first instance from your line   Mobile: 07787 934830
       is specific to developing this agenda within   manager and externally, from your GP. They   Email:

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