Page 29 - WMPF Federation Feb-Mar 2020-flip_Neat
P. 29

Back to the beat

       Trip down memory lane

       for retired sergeant

            etired West Midlands Police Sergeant   They also visited the Steelhouse Lane
            Colin Barker has enjoyed a trip down   lock-up, met officers – and dogs – from the
       Rmemory lane thanks to a request    dog section and spoke to traffic officers.
       from his daughter who has followed in his      Amanda, who now works for the Force’s
       footsteps to be an officer.         public protection unit, sent in her thanks to
          Colin retired in 1996 after 30 years’   Georgina and the team for re-visiting
       service and two years later daughter   locations that once meant so much to him.
       Amanda Barker joined the Force, taking on      She said: “My Dad was overwhelmed
       his collar number to keep it in the family.  that you did all that for him, and that people
          Now aged 74, Colin’s policing career is   went out of their way to come and see him.
       just a distant memory but, as a gift, Amanda   For my Mom to experience this too was
       got in touch with Birmingham partnerships   amazing. We are both so touched.”
       officer, Georgina Johnstone, to see if they      Colin started his policing career aged 20
       could arrange a nostalgic trip for her dad.  at Kingstanding Police Station, going on to a
          The city’s partnerships and engagement   work with police horses, before turning his
       team quickly got to work organising a   hand to the dog unit as a handler for eight
       fun-filled day. The group, including Colin’s   years and then working in various roles in
       wife, Carol, went out on a police van for a   the Force. He asked to work his final years on
       tour around Kingstanding; bringing back   Response − attending emergencies around
       memories for Colin of delivering a baby   the region - a role he loved.
       outside the police station many moons ago.                                Colin during his 30-year policing career.

                                             Retired police sergeant Colin Barker was joined on his visit by wife Carole.

        Colin early in his policing career.  Colin also took a tour round the Steelhouse Lane lock-up.                                            federation February/March 2020     29
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