Page 30 - WMPF Federation Feb-Mar 2020-flip_Neat
P. 30

Supporting you                                                           THANK                  you

         Our Federation reps and officials are   he ever needs my help. He is an honest man. He   thank
         keen to offer help, advice and support to  is a kind man. He is thorough in his work. He   you
         all members.                       always acted in my best interests. He was my
           It is always satisfying to find out   protector. I have no doubt in my mind that if
         that they have been able to make a   Cliff had not helped me I would have lost my
         difference. Here are some messages   job and with it so much more. I joined the
         of thanks we have received in recent   police to help people and I am over the moon   YOU
         14-month gross misconduct investigation. I  Member, name supplied but withheld. Thank
                                            that this is now behind me. I was given
                                            management advice and I have acted on the
         Cliff Tomkinson guided me through a
                                            recommended actions.
         was served with papers and received an                                    YOU
         inordinate amount of emails; all of which   A student officer wanted to say a BIG THANK   Thank
         distressed me to the point of seeking help   YOU to Clifford Tomkinson, Scott Davies
         from my GP and counselling. Throughout   (previous Fed rep) and Sam Hughes (new Fed
         this whole time, Cliff supported me. He   rep) for their support over the last few months.  THANK
         responded to my text messages. He   Member, name supplied but withheld.
         returned my calls and he listened to and
         understood my side of the story. At times, I  To member services administrator Jayne
         was not mentally well enough to act in my   Carpenter                          YOU
         own best interests.                Thank you very much, that was too good of a
            I don’t think Cliff will mind me saying   service in a short turnaround time.
                                            Member, name supplied but withheld.
         that he does not mince his words. He kept  and support. It is a painful situation and it is  thank
         me on the straight and narrow. At no point
         did I go off sick and I kept on trucking. At   I would just like to say a huge thanks for your help
         times, the only person I felt was helping
         and supporting me was Cliff.       causing me a great deal of stress but you have   YOU     thank
            My email is to let you know that I told   made that very simple and straightforward for me.
         Cliff I would walk though fire to help him if  Member, name supplied but withheld.


      NARPO is a rank-free association of retired police officers, dedicated to improving benefits for its members.
                            NARPO has Branches across West Midlands:-

               Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Walsall, and Wolverhampton.

         •  FREE ADVICE –                Pensions, Benefits, Computing, Taxation;
         •  MEMBER SERVICES –            Welfare Support, Car, Health and Travel Insurance, Car Purchase, Domestic
                                         Appliances, Trusted Legal Advisors, Mobile Phones, Travel Discounts, Job
                                         Opportunities + National/Local Websites, National Magazine, Branch
         •  SOCIAL EVENTS –              Keep in touch with old friends and colleagues.

                             Annual membership fee deducted from pension:- £20.64 in 2018.

                                           ARE YOU RETIRING SOON?
        Join on-line, or for more information, contact the secretary of your preferred Branch:-

                   Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Walsall:-

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