Page 35 - WMPF Federation Feb-Mar 2020-flip_Neat
P. 35

What constitutes

       work-related stress?

       By Matthew Tomlinson,               been diagnosed with a psychiatric condition.      Examples may include:
       principal lawyer in                 We can assist by requesting copies of their   l  A failure to refer the member to
       industrial disease at               GP records.                             occupational health
       Slater and Gordon                      Secondly, was the psychiatric     l  In an overwork case, a failure to re-
                                           injury reasonably foreseeable? The key   allocate work appropriately
          tress in its simplest            consideration for the courts is deciding   l  In a bullying case, failing to investigate
          form can actually be             whether the member’s force knew, or ought   the member’s complaints and perform a
      Sa good thing. Many                  to have reasonably known, about how work   risk assessment.
       of us actually need stress          was affecting their health.             The final test is whether the breach of
       to perform at our best. However, when      Good examples include:        duty complained of caused the injury as
       stress becomes too much and manifests into   l  A previous work-related stress absence   opposed to other life stressors that we all
       something more serious, such as a recognised   l  Previously disclosed mental health   commonly have.
       psychiatric condition, it can give rise to a   difficulties                 If you’re struggling at work to the extent
       potential personal injury claim.    l  The member complaining to their   it’s affecting your health it’s extremely
          One of the first questions we ask   manger that they were becoming ill (as   important that you let your work-based
       members is whether they’ve been diagnosed   opposed to just stressed).   representative or Federation know.
       with a recognised psychiatric disorder, such      Thirdly, it’s necessary to show there’s      If you wish to bring a claim please contact
       as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder   been a breach of duty and that it was in fact   the PF Claimline on Freephone
       (PTSD) or generalised anxiety disorder. A claim   something which the force did (or failed to   0800 917 1999
       for damages cannot be made if someone is   do) contrary to law, which has caused the   or visit
       suffering from ‘stress’ alone. A member may   illness. We often ask members what their
       have been to see their GP because of work-  force could have done to prevent the harm   where you’ll get
       related stress but may be unaware they’ve   they’ve suffered.            advice free of charge.

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