Page 31 - WMPF Federation Feb-Mar 2020-flip_Neat
P. 31

Approaching retirement?

       The programme of West Midlands Police
       Federation retirement seminars will
       continue throughout 2020.
          The one-day seminars, which are held at
       the Federation’s office – Guardians House,
       2111 Coventry Road, Sheldon – are for
       officers in the last three years of their service
       and aim to prepare them for life outside the
       Force, financially and generally.
          Officers are welcome to take their
       husband, wife or partner to the seminars
       which run from 9am until 4pm. They start
       with coffee and registration from 8.30am
       and include a buffet lunch.
          Among the topics covered by the
       facilitators are:
       l  Managing change and uncertainty
       l  CV writing and interview techniques
       l  Transferrable skills                Seminars are being held on:          To book, email the Federation office
       l  Pensions and the state pension   Thursday 6 February 2020             with ‘Retirement seminar’ and the date
       l  How do I manage money and these   Thursday 12 March 2020              you wish to attend in the subject line.
          financial changes?               Thursday 9 April 2020                Include your name, work and personal
       l  Budgeting                        Thursday 14 May 2020                 email address, phone number, proposed
       l  Starting your own business       Thursday 11 June 2020                retirement date, number of places
       l  Taxation                         Thursday 23 July 2020                required and dietary requirements in the
       l  New horizons - what’s next?      Thursday 20 August 2020              email.
       l  Savings, investments and finances, and  Thursday 24 September 2020       Book early to avoid disappointment.
       l  Protecting your wealth.          Thursday 22 October 2020

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