Page 18 - 9th Grade Flipbook 2022-2023_Neat
P. 18
Fine Arts Electives
Dance is an elective option within the Fine Arts Department for all students at Mill Creek High School. The Mill
Creek Dance Department provides students with the technical skills, vocabulary and historical knowledge
necessary to gain an understanding and appreciation in dance. Classes consist of ballet, jazz, and modern
dance as well as dance history, movement science and anatomy. Classes have a performance requirement and
after school rehearsals each semester. Mill Creek Dance Department offers classes in several levels that are
available to stu-dents in all grade levels.
Modern Dance I - IV: Audition required. Open to all
students and all grade levels.
Dance I - IV: Audition required. Open to all students
and all grade levels.
Ballet I - IV: Audition required. Open to all students and
all grade levels.
Jazz I - IV: Audition Required. Open to all student s and
all grade levels.
Dance Composition: Teacher Recommendation. This is Auditions for 2022-2023 will take place on
an independent study course with choreography and February 15, 2022; 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm for all
teaching requirements. current MCHS students and 4:30 - 6:30 pm for
all rising 9th-grade students.
How to register: AUDITION REQUIRED! Make sure to number Please Register HERE!
Dance on your registration form as one of your elective
choices. Students must sign up for auditions by contacting
Suzanne Muck at 678-765-5296 or
The Dance Department also offers:
National Dance Education Organization, Honor Society: NDEO is an Honor Society for dancers. A GPA of 3.2
or higher must be maintained to be eligible. There are yearly dues, and seniors are eligible to graduate with
honors if they meet the criteria.
Mill Creek Dance Team: Varsity and Junior Varsity teams are available and perform in multiple competitions
each year. The dance teams require an auction and anyone enrolled at Mill Creek is eligible to audition.,