Page 47 - Tlahuizcalli CB-28_Neat
P. 47


          The main interest of this text is to show the relationship that exists between the subject and the world, between subject and subject, and
          in the subject itself, in contrast to the analyst-analysand binomial proposed by psychoanalysis, which is now established from an atomic
          conception, based on the fact that every representation can be expressed through logic and that encompasses the subject beyond the
          Oedipal triangle. This text is related to the previous one, Desiring production in the analyst-analysate binomial (Noriega, 2023), although
          they function independently of each other. By establishing meeting points between the atomic discourse and the subject, the aim is to
          convey the sense that the possibilities of representation become indeterminate in the face of the multiplicity of the individual. There is also
          an approach to the notion of delirium, but from a divergent point with respect to madness, all of this to establish a critical structure
          regarding psychiatry and psychoanalysis.

          Keywords: Analyst-analysant bonomial, Multiplicity, Emptiness, Delirium.

           Año 10 Núm. 28 enero-abril 2024                                                        Tlahuizcalli ISSN: 2448-7260
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