Page 11 - Parker Co. 4-H Connection February 2022
P. 11

You’ve finished high school (or getting close to
                        finishing), and now you’re getting ready for
                        that next big adventure—college. Of course,

                        college is going to have its challenges. At times
                        it will be stressful—but, it will also be
                        rewarding and fun. The key is to be prepared,
                        both in and out of the classroom. Follow these
                        13 tips to prepare for your freshman year of
                        college, and you’ll be setting yourself up for

    13 Ways to

                                                                2 - Get Organized
                                                                Organization is going to be important in all aspects of your
    Prepare for                                                 campus life. Whether it’s your classes, your room, or your life

                                                                in general—you need to have a plan. Take the time to
                                                                download some organizational tools so you’ll have strategies
                                                                to help right at your fingertips.
    Your Freshman

                                                                3 - Establish Housing

    Year of College                                             Whether you are living on-campus in a dormitory or off-
                                                                campus in an apartment or house, make sure you have your
                                                                housing lined up. If staying on campus, see if you can request
                                                                housing that is close to your classes so you can save time
     By: Olivia Parker June 15, 2020                            each day. If you are looking for off-campus housing, make
    College (article link)                           sure you check out several locations that meet your budget
                                                                and your needs. Also, be sure to read your lease in its
                                                                entirety, so you know what your landlord expects.
       1 - Schedule a Campus Tour

       Now, you may think to yourself, “But, I’ve already taken a
       tour of campus when I was looking at colleges.” This may  4 - Pack Strategically
       very well be true, but you probably looked at several colleges  No matter if you are heading for a dorm or some other form of
       and universities and what you remember about one college  housing, there probably won’t be room for everything you’d like
       may be blurred with the memories of another college. If you  to bring. Talk with your roommate(s) and see what he/she is
       have the opportunity to go visit colleges again—GO! You will  bringing so you don’t have duplicates. Additionally, if you’re
       now have a better idea of what you are looking for and   going to need help moving, make sure you line up commercial
       where you need to be in relation to classes, housing, and  movers well in advance. Don’t forget—there will be lots of
       campus activities.                                       people heading off to college, and movers will be busy, too.
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