Page 7 - Parker Co. 4-H Connection February 2022
P. 7

Parker Co. 4-H Cash for Clovers

           Parker Co. 4-H is excited to announce that we will be hosting our annual Parker Co. 4-H
           Cash  for  Clovers  Scholarship  Fundraiser  Saturday,  March  5th  (flyer  is  attached),  and  we
           will  be  drawing  for  the  grand  prize  of  a  Kubota  RTV  520  valued  at  $10,500  and  ONLY

           295  tickets  are  sold  prior  to  the  event  and  you  do  not  have  to  be  present  to  win.  Tickets
           are $75 and include 2 fajita dinners and a chance to win the Kubota. We do have tickets

           here  in  the  office,  and  tickets  may  also  be  purchased  online  this  year  (the  link  and  QR
           code are below).

           Parker   Co.   4-H,   this   is   where   we   need   your   help.   As   you   know   we   take   great   pride   in

           being  able  to  offer  up  to  a  $10,000.00  scholarship  to  our  graduating  seniors,  this  event
           makes  that  scholarship  possible.  We  have  295  tickets  that  need  to  be  sold  before  March

           5th and need your help with selling these tickets. Please share the link or QR code below
           or swing by the office and grab some hard copy tickets.

           We do have table sponsorship as well that is $500, and the table will receive 4 tickets (8

           seats)   to   the   event,   their   own   table,   social   media   advertising,   will   be   included   in   the
           brochure and recognized during the event.

           We have over 500 members enrolled in Parker Co. 4-H, so if each member tried to sell at
           least one ticket we wouldn’t have any problem of reaching our 295.

                                                   Ticket Link:

                 2022 Parker Co. 4-H Cash for Clovers Ticket
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