Page 12 - Parker Co. 4-H Connection February 2022
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10 - Practice Time Management
        5 - Create a Budget                                         One thing that many college freshmen say they struggle with

        There’s nothing worse than getting to the end of your first  is time management. Numerous classes, extracurricular
        semester and having no money left. Take the time to sit down  activities, part-time jobs, plus the social aspects of college
        with your parents and discuss a budget. Use an online       mean you have a busy life. You don’t want commitments to
        worksheet so you can to include as much as possible in your  get away from you. Practice prioritizing and scheduling so
        budget. Books, food, cell phone, transportation, personal care  you can rest assured the things you need to get done are
        items, and extracurricular activities all cost money, and you  being accomplished in a timely fashion.
        need to be aware of all the financial obligations you will have.
                                                                    11 - Stay Healthy
        6 - Practice Life Skills                                    The last thing you need during your freshman year is to be
        Most likely your mom and dad are not heading off to college  sick. Take the time to eat healthily, exercise, and schedule
        with you. This means you are responsible for your banking, your  regular doctor and dental appointments. Prevention is key
        cooking, your cleaning, and your laundry—and these life skills  when it comes to keeping sickness at bay. If you feel you are
        to know all require practice. Take the opportunity to cook some  becoming ill, visit the campus health clinic or a local
        quick and simple meals. Wash your own clothes so you can    physician for assistance. Health is incredibly important, so be
        avoid turning your favorite white sweater into a pretty shade of  sure to stay healthy.
        pink.Make sure you have established a checking and savings
        account that you can access to pay bills and withdraw cash as  12 -  Stay Safe
        needed. These essential skills will keep your life outside the  This may very well be the first time you are away from
        classroom on track.                                         home for an extended period, and you want to remain
                                                                    safe. Take notice of your surroundings. Have emergency
                                                                    numbers programmed in your phone. See if your college
       7 - Read, Read and Read Some More                            offers any campus safety seminars. Take precautions to

       One of the skills college students need is the ability to read—  keep yourself out of potentially unsafe situations.
       and read a lot, and read fast! If you have 5-6 classes per
       semester, you are going to be doing a ton of reading. Take   13 - Work Hard
       the opportunity to read whatever you can get your hands on   You worked hard to get accepted to college, but,
       as you prepare for your freshman classes.                    newfound freedom can sometimes be a bit overwhelming,

                                                                    and you can soon find yourself falling behind in your
       8 - Network                                                  academics. Continue to work hard just like you did in high
                                                                    school. If you are struggling, ask for help. Seek out
       You may not think you need to network until you’re searching
       for a job, but every person you meet could be that connection  classmates for help or go to your on-campus academic
       you need down the road. Be friendly and personable with all  assistance center to see what services they offer.Don’t let
       the people you encounter in your daily life. Take the time to  your freshman year overwhelm you. Instead, make your
       learn people’s names and be interested in their lives. Being  freshman year of college amazing.
       able to network is an invaluable skill.

       9 - Be Involved                                              When you follow these 13 tips, you will set yourself up for

       Related to networking is involvement. Find clubs,            success both in the classroom and out. You’ll be the envy
       organizations, or part-time jobs that show you are part of   of all your classmates because you’ve got the freshman
       something bigger than yourself. Additionally, these types of  life conquered!
       activities are great for resumes down the road, which is never a
       bad thing.
                                                                       11 PARKER COUNTY 4-H CONNECTION / FEB
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