Page 15 - 2021 November PC 4-H Connection
P. 15
According to Dr. Jenna Anding, professor and
Fields of Orange
extension specialist for Texas A&M’s Department of
corie.ritter · Oct 30, 2019
Nutrition and Food Science, pumpkins are a good
source of dietary fiber and high in a powerful
Fall is here and so are the abundance of crops
antioxidant known as Beta-carotene. Consuming
that come with it! While Texas is known for its
this antioxidant can help reduce the risk for several
ability to produce crops such as cotton, corn,
chronic diseases including heart disease and
and wheat, we often forget that Texas has its
certain types of cancer. Nutrition facts from the
own pumpkin growing capital in Floydada,
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
located on the high plains of the Llano
for ½ cup of unsalted pumpkin can be found
Estacado in West Texas.
According to Texas A&M University’s Aggie
1.10g of protein
Horticulture, Texas is the fourth leading state in
2.7g of fiber
commercial pumpkin production, generating
0.17g of fat
$2.4 million for farmers which equates to an
0g of cholesterol
economic impact of $7.4 million in the state.
8.09g of carbohydrates
Approximately 90% of the 5,000-8,000 acres of
3.6g of dietary fiber
pumpkins planted in Texas each year is done in
60mg of vitamin C
the West Texas region, or more so, in areas with
9065 IU Vitamin A (which includes Beta-
monthly average temperatures of 60-80°F and
low humidity. AgriLife Extension Service’s
42 total calories
Vegetable Specialist, Russell Wallace, Ph.D.,
For many of us, pumpkins mean pumpkin pie.
helps harvest 2,500 acres of pumpkins by hand
However, AgriLife Extension Service’s Dinner
in late September, and said this often yields 15
Tonight has developed several healthy recipes that
to 30 tons per acre.
include pumpkin as the main ingredient, including a
In addition to the impact that pumpkins have on
pumpkin puree recipe that is made from scratch!
the economy, they are also good for your health
To find more pumpkin recipes from Dinner Tonight.
and contain many nutrients.