Page 11 - October 2020
P. 11

O C T O B E R   2 0 2 0
           Parker County 4-H



           Parker County 4-H Photography Workshop
           Date: Thursday, October 22, 2020  @ 6PM
           Location: Parker County Extension Office

           Click here to RSVP

           4-H'ers that attended the September Photography
           Workshop are eligible to participate in the October
           Photography Scavenger Hunt for a prize.  If you did
           not attend the September meeting but would like to
           complete the scavenger hunt, please do, you just
           won't be eligible for a prize.

           The scavenger hunt must be submitted by Noon,
           Thursday, October 22nd.

           S U B M I T   Y O U R   P H O T O G R A P H Y

           S C A V E N G E R   H U N T   H E R E
                                                                    Parker County

                                                                    Fashion and Interior


                                                                    The Parker County 4-H Fashion and Interior Design
                                                                    project is off to a great start.  As you can see,  Kember
                                                                    and Kristie have been hard at work planning a fun filled
                                                                    Fashion and Interior Design year.

                                                                    Space is limited therefor you must RSVP to the

                                                                    Each 4-H member must be accompanied by an adult.

                                                                     Call the Extension Office to RSVP


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