Page 23 - 2021 October Parker Co. 4-H Connection
P. 23




            P A R K E R   C O .   4 - H   E Q U I N E   C A R E   A N D   C A R E E R   E X P L O R A T I O N

                                              O C T O B E R   M E E T I N G
                               ( C L I C K   T H E   M E E T I N G   D A T E   T O   R S V P )

                 F I E L D   T R I P   T O   P A R K E R   C O U N T Y   E Q U I N E   A Q U A - T R E D
        Visit a complete equine rehabilitation facility with an underwater Aquatred plus a
                                            HOT & COLD Salt Water Spa

                                      M o n d a y ,   O c t o b e r   1 8   @   6 P M

     Parker County 4-H Horse Judging Informational

     Date: Wednesday, October 5, 2021 @ 5:30PM
     Location: Parker County Extension Office

     Click Here to RSVP

     It's time to start horse judging!!!  4-H'ers interested in Parker Co. 4-H Horse Judging will be administered a test on basic horse
     knowledge.  A passing score is required in order to attend Parker Co. 4-H Horse Judging practices.  Worry not because if you
     are interested in horse judging, you have plenty of time to brush up on the information below.  Plus, I'm even giving you the
                                                       Common Stock Horse Breeds:
     links to the resources.
                                                          American Quarter Horse
     Basic Horse Knowledge:                               American Paint Horse
     Colors, Markings and Parts of the Horse
     Gaits and Leads
     The Difference between Western and English
                                                                  23 PARKER COUNTY 4-H CONNECTION / OCTOBER
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