Page 12 - Sponsor Tier Booklet for PH Print_Neat
P. 12

S  P  I  R  E    M  A G A  Z  I  N  E


           Take    out   an   ad   today   and   become     a   part   of   our   beautiful   full   color,   hi-
           resolution    Spire   Center    Magazine.     Spire   Center    partners    with   Powder    Horn

           Press,   a   local   Plymouth     printing    company      to   create   over   1000    beautiful
           copies each quarter.

                                                              Includes over 40 pages of:
                                                                   Event listings
                                                                   Interviews with well-known artists

                                                                   Hi-res,   full   color   sponsor   ads   with
                                                                   QR link to business webpage

                                                                   Downtown     Plymouth     restaurants   and

                                                                   Tourism    hubs,   such   as   SeePlymouth
                                                                   office and Kiosks
                                                                   Available   at   the   Spire   Center   box

                                                                   Mailings on a subscription basis

                                                                   Digitally through our website

                                                                   S  P  I  R  E     C E  N T  E R     F  O R     P E  R  F  O  R M  I  N  G    A  R  T  S     |    P  A  G  E    1  1
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