Page 9 - Sponsor Tier Booklet for PH Print_Neat
P. 9

S  P  I R  E     M  E  M B  E  R  S  H  I P


                                    the foundation of any arts organization

              When     you   become    a   Spire   Gold   Pass   Member    or   Business   Member,     you're

              becoming     a   part   of   the   group   of   supporters   that   are   the   foundation   of   our
              mission   to   provide   quality   performances   to   the   South   Shore   and   supporting   the
              arts and cultural enrichment in your local community. Thank you!

                                                                    S  P I  R  E     C  E  N  T  E  R    F  O  R     P  E  R  F  O  R  M  I N  G     A  R T  S     |     P  A  G  E    7
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