Page 4 - Sponsor Tier Booklet for PH Print_Neat
P. 4

S  P  O  N  S  O  R S  H  I  P     L  E V E  L  S



                        for those with the ultimate affinity

           Our   Platinum   Sponsors   are   the   highest   level
           sponsor   we   have   here   at   the   Spire   Center.
           Sponsors   are   those   who   not   only   support   their
           community,   but   share   an   ultimate   affinity   for
           and   the   arts   and   provide   substantial   means   to
           organization,   allowing   The   Spire   Center   to
           their   mission   in   providing   arts,   music,   education,
           enrichment   to   the   South   Shore   region   and   beyond
           well as maintain our historic building.

         Platinum Sponsor Benefits include:

             Two (2) tickets to every Spire concert for personal or promotional use.

             VIP "Meet & Greet" with each artist *subject to artist approval
             Two (2) page ad spread in Spire Magazine (4 issues)

             Recognition on our lobby wall as a platinum sponsor list
             Recognition in pre-show, in-house audio loop

             Verbal recognition during welcoming remarks at every show

             Logo in all Spire email marketing
             Logo on Spire website homepage

             Logo on all Spire marketing materials

             Social media logo or advertisement placement
             Logo in Spire Lobby

             Premium sponsor seating

             Autographed concert poster for every sponsored event
             Recognition in all (if applicable) news and radio advertising

             All Spire Center Sponsorships are fully customizable to your unique business needs. Please
             contact our Director of Partnership, Valerie Barretto at for more
             information                                            S  P I  R  E     C  E  N  T  E  R    F  O  R     P  E  R  F  O  R  M  I N  G     A  R T  S     |     P  A  G  E    2
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