Page 6 - Sponsor Tier Booklet for PH Print_Neat
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S  P  O  N  S  O  R S  H  I  P     L  E V E  L  S



                                                          also known as our "Lobby Series Sponsorship"

                                                         Our   Silver   Sponsors   make   it   possible   to   bring   our
                                                         Thursday   Lobby   Night   series   to   the   South   Shore
                                                         community.   Every   Thursday   evening,   our   lobby   is
                                                         transformed   into   an   intimate   70   seat   listening   room   and
                                                         features   talented   up   and   coming   artists   showcasing   their
                                                         original music.

             Silver Sponsor Benefits include:

                 Sponsor recognition on choice of (3) concert events during season or full sponsorship of our
                 Thursday Night Lobby Series

                 Two (2) tickets to each of the (3) sponsored Spire concerts or (2) tickets to each Thursday
                 Night Lobby series for personal or promotional use.

                 Brand identity for Thursday Night Lobby Series and all related marketing

                 Full page ad in Spire Magazine (4 issues)
                 Premium sponsor seating at all shows

                 Autographed concert poster for every sponsored event
                 Logo in all applicable Spire email marketing

                 Logo on Spire website
                 Logo under applicable events on website

                 Logo on all applicable event marketing items
                 Social media logo or advertisement placement on applicable events

                 Logo in Spire Lobby at applicable events
                 Verbal recognition during welcoming remarks at applicable shows

                 Recognition in related news and radio advertising (if applicable)
                 All Spire Center Sponsorships are fully customizable to your unique business needs. Please
                 contact our Director of Partnership, Valerie Barretto at for more
                                                                    S  P I  R  E     C  E  N  T  E  R    F  O  R     P  E  R  F  O  R  M  I N  G     A  R T  S     |     P  A  G  E    4
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