Page 11 - Sponsor Tier Booklet for PH Print_Neat
P. 11

S  P  I R  E     M  E  M B  E  R  S  H  I P



                                                                         the foundation of any arts organization

               When   you   become   a   Spire   Business   Member,   you're   becoming   a   part   of   the   foundation   of
               our  mission  to  provide  quality  performances  to  the  South  Shore  and  supporting  the  arts  and
               cultural enrichment in your local community. Spire Business Members receive all the benefits
               of   our   Gold   Pass   Membership   along   with   special   promotional   advertising   of   their   business
               through our webpage.



                                                            Benefits include all the Gold Pass Member
                                                            Benefits PLUS:

                                                                 Website recognition

                                                                 Spire Magazine Recognition

                                                                 Discount incentives for Spire Members

                                                                 Listing on the Spire Center Dining
                                                                 Guide *applicable for restaurants

                                                                 Custom links to business page through
                                                                 the Spire website

                            Scan QR to become a Business
                            Member today or contact:

                            Valerie Barretto
                            Director of Partnership
                            508-746-4488 x102                       S  P I  R  E     C  E  N  T  E  R    F  O  R     P  E  R  F  O  R  M  I N  G     A  R T  S     |     P  A  G  E    9
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