Page 17 - SPIRE Digital Version SEP-DEC 2024 9th Issue
P. 17

FALL 2024

 SAT, OCT 05 @ 8PM  FRI,  OCT 18 @ 8PM
 New York City’s Gary Vider is bringing his sharp, dry wit to the  Legendary  Blues  guitarist  Ronnie  Earl  is  a  four-time  Blues
 Spire  Center!  Known  for  his  memorable  performances  on  Music  Award  winner  as  Guitar  Player  of  the  Year  (1997,
 America’s  Got  Talent,  CONAN,  and  The  Late  Show  with  1999, 2014, 2018), most recently receiving the award on May
 Stephen Colbert, Vider’s unique comedic style has earned him  10,  2018,  in  Memphis.  With  over  35  years  leading  The
 acclaim and a devoted following. Don’t miss your chance to see  Broadcasters,  his  music  captures  raw  emotion  and  technical
 this standout comedian live, delivering his clever and engaging  mastery.  Earl's  extensive  discography,  including  hits  like
 humor straight to the stage.                                                                              FALL 2024
           Grateful Heart and Rise Up, continues to top Billboard Blues
           charts,  making  every  performance  a  journey  through  the
           heart of the blues.
 GLOBAL FILM FESTIVAL 2024                                              MOONDANCE –
 SUN, OCT 06; $10                                        TRIBUTE TO VAN MORRISON
 SHOWINGS @ 2PM & 5PM                                                 SAT, OCT 19  @ 8PM
 Be  part  of  the  world’s  first  global  &  largest  short  film  festival!         $32
 Manhattan  Short  brings  together  ten  of  the  best  short  films  from  Moondance  is  the  ultimate  Van  Morrison  Tribute  Concert.  This
 around  the  globe,  curated  from  over  1,600  entries.  Experience  a  incredible show captures the Van Morrison concert experience like no
 diverse selection of compelling stories and vote for your favorite. Join  other. You’ll hear classic tunes – Brown Eyed Girl, Moondance, Domino,
 the global audience in deciding which film will be crowned the winner,  It Stoned Me, Tupelo Honey, Wild Night, Into The Mystic, Caravan –
 announced the following day. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to be  just to name a few. The show is packed with one VM classic after the
 part of a worldwide cinematic event!
                     LIFE & LYRICS CONCERT & PODCAST
 $25                 THU, OCT 24 @ 7:30PM
           With special guest Vanna Pacella.
 Presented by The Antonia and Vladimir Kulaev Cultural Heritage Fund.
           A performer throughout New England for over a decade and a
 Matt  Nakoa  Band  brings  a  unique  blend  of  virtuosity  and  recent contestant on ‘The Voice’, Cara Brindisi is happily calling
 charisma  to  the  stage.  Hailing  from  a  rural  New  York  farm,
 Matt Nakoa’s journey from a concert pianist to a sought-after  Plymouth,  MA  her  new  home!  To  learn  more  about  the  local
 singer-songwriter  is  nothing  short  of  captivating.  Having  music scene and to invite some of her out-of-town favorites, she
 performed at The White House and alongside folk legend Tom  has  teamed  up  with  the  historic  Spire  Center  to  create  a
 Rush, his shows are a dynamic mix of intricate piano work and  monthly concert AND podcast series!
 soulful songwriting. Expect a captivating evening where Matt’s  Get  to  know  Cara  and  her  guest  artists  on  a  different  level  as
 musical dexterity and engaging performance style will leave a  she  interviews  them  not  only  on  their  songs  and  life  in  music,
 lasting impression.  but also the less told stories of their lives…

 SPIRE LOBBY SERIES:                                                          PAM TILLIS
 SAM LUKE CHASE                                                        FRI, OCT 25 @ 8PM
 THU, OCT 17 @ 7:30PM                                                                  $68
 $15                                         Pam Tillis, daughter of country music royalty, has carved out her own
                                             path as a celebrated singer and songwriter. With six number one hits
 Sam Luke Chase, a Massachusetts singer-songwriter, crafts  like  "Maybe  It  Was  Memphis"  and  "Mi  Vida  Loca,"  and  multiple
 distinctive  Americana  music  from  his  home  studio.  platinum  albums,  she’s  a  force  in  country  music.  A  three-time  CMA
 Influenced  by  James  Taylor  and  John  Mayer,  Chase’s  award winner and Grand Ole Opry member, Tillis’s performances are
 performances  mix  original  songs  with  creative  takes  on  filled with genuine emotion and timeless country charm. Whether it’s
 classics.  Whether  it  be  a  country,  folk,  blues  or  pop  tune,  on the elaborate stages of the Grand Ole Opry or in the intimate setting
 Sam  reimagines  it  with  his  passionate,  raspy  vocals  and  of Nashville’s Bluebird Cafe, you will experience that feeling of delight
 crisp guitar chops.
                                             that comes from Pam Tillis singing exactly what she is meant to sing at
                                             that moment.
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