Page 20 - SPIRE Digital Version SEP-DEC 2024 9th Issue
P. 20

FALL 2024

                                 BRUCE KATZ BAND                                                                                    INDIEFERM BREWING PRESENTS               INDIEFERM BREWING PRESENTS SUNDAY
                                 SAT, NOV 09  @ 8PM                                                                                                                              FUNDAY WITH THE SHADY ROOSTERS
                                 $30                                                                                                                                                            SUN, NOV 17 @ 2-5PM
                                                                                                                                                                             TICKETS SOLD AT DOOR, $5 CASH ONLY!
                       Experience  the  Bruce  Katz  Band,  renowned  for  their  fusion  of  blues,
                       “soul-jazz,”  and  New  Orleans-inspired  roots  music.  Legendary                                                                                    Join  us  for  the  return  of  SuNdAy  FuNdAy  with  The  Shady
                       keyboardist Bruce Katz, known for his work with Gregg Allman and the                                                                                  Roosters!  Formerly  known  as  Lonesome  Jukebox,  they've
                       Allman  Brothers  Band,  leads  this  distinctive  group.  With  a  blend  of                                                                         been  entertaining  for  25  years,  now  with  some  new  faces  in
                       blues,  jazz,  and  Americana,  their  performances  are  a  dynamic                                                                                  the lineup. Expect a lively mix of rockabilly, blues, roots, and
                                                                                                                                                                             country,  including  original  tunes  reminiscent  of  the  '50s  and
                       exploration  of  sound.  Featuring  new  members  Aaron  Lieberman  and                                                                               '60s.  Plus,  they'll  be  bringing  special  guests  for  an
                       Liviu Pop, the band’s unique blend of B3 organ and guitar creates an                                                                                  unforgettable  night  of  fun!  The  Shady  Roosters  will  be  back  FALL 2024
                       exciting and original musical experience.                                                                                                             next Fall!

                                                                                                                                                   SPIRE LOBBY SERIES: CHELSEA
                                                              LIFE & LYRICS CONCERT & PODCAST                                                      BERRY
                                                                          SERIES W/ CARA BRINDISI                                                  THU, NOV 21 @ 7:30PM
                                                                                THU, NOV 14 @ 7:30PM                                               $15
                                                                                                     $15                                Presented  by  The  Antonia  and  Vladimir  Kulaev  Cultural  Heritage
                                                              With special guest Valerie Barretto.
                                                              A performer throughout New England for over a decade and                  Hailed  as  a  powerhouse  vocalist  and  performer,
                                                              a  recent  contestant  on  ‘The  Voice’,  Cara  Brindisi  is  happily     captivates  with  her  dynamic  stage  presence  and
                                                              calling  Plymouth,  MA  her  new  home!  To  learn  more  about           heartfelt storytelling. Known as “the Pink of folk music,”
                                                              the local music scene and to invite some of her out-of-town               her  25-year  career  includes  10  original  albums  and
                                                              favorites, she has teamed up with the historic Spire Center               collaborations with numerous artists. Regularly featured
                                                              to create a monthly concert AND podcast series!                           on  Sirius  XM’s  The  Loft  and  local  media,  Chelsea  has
                                                                                                                                        shared the stage with legends like Livingston Taylor and
                                                              Get to know Cara and her guest artists on a different level as            Chris  Isaak.  Her  latest  releases  include  Peace  Love  &
                                                              she interviews them not only on their songs and life in music,            Happiness  and  the  holiday  album  Ring  the  Bells.  From
                                                              but also the less told stories of their lives…                            her Alaskan roots to her Maine home, Chelsea continues
                                                                                                                                        to inspire with her exceptional talent and passion.

                                CHICAGO TOTAL ACCESS                                                                                                                                                CAITLIN CANTY
                                FRI, NOV 15  @ 8PM                                                                                                                                                 FRI, NOV 22 @ 8PM
                                $34                                                                                                                                                                                $28

                       Chicago  Total  Access  faithfully  recreates  the  iconic  sound  of                                                                          Caitlin Canty, a singer/songwriter known for her blend of folk, blues,
                       the  American  rock  band  Chicago.  Featuring  10  talented                                                                                   and  country  ballads,  captivates  with  a  voice  described  as  “casually
                       musicians,  they  bring  the  classic  hits  and  unique  horn-driven                                                                          devastating” by the San Francisco Chronicle. Her third album, Motel
                       rock of the 60s and 70s to life. Experience the timeless music                                                                                 Bouquet,  features  ten  original  songs  produced  by  GRAMMY-winner
                       and enduring spirit of one of rock’s most influential bands.
                                                                                                                                                                      Noam Pikelny and showcases her darkly radiant voice. Recorded live
                                                                                                                                                                      in Nashville with top roots musicians, the album has been praised by
                                                                                                                                                                      Rolling  Stone  for  its  “dreamy  and  daring”  quality  and  “haunting
                                                                             LIVINGSTON TAYLOR                                                                        melodies.”  Experience  Canty’s  unique  sound  and  poetic  lyrics  in  an
                                                                                 SAT, NOV 16 @ 8PM                                                                    evening of evocative music.
                                                                                                  $55                                          COMEDY NIGHT W/ STEVE SWEENEY
                                                                                                                                               SAT, NOV 23 @ 8PM
                                                      With a career spanning over 50 years, Livingston Taylor brings a blend                   $25
                                                      of charm and musical versatility to every performance. Known for his
                                                      work across folk, pop, gospel, and jazz, Taylor has delighted audiences          Dubbed  “the  undisputed  King  of  Boston  comedy,”  Steve
                                                      with  his  extensive  repertoire  and  engaging  storytelling.  A  seasoned      Sweeney  brings  his  masterful  dialects  and  sharp  wit  to  the
                                                      performer  who  has  shared  the  stage  with  legends  like  Joni  Mitchell     stage. Known for his hilarious riffs on Boston's local characters
                                                      and Fleetwood Mac, Livingston also brings his wealth of experience to            and personalities, Sweeney offers a uniquely Bostonian comedy
                                                      his role as a professor at Berklee College of Music. Enjoy an evening            experience. With a career spanning over thirty years, including
                                                      with a true musical icon and captivating storyteller.                            stand-up  tours  and  roles  in  sitcoms  and  movies,  Sweeney’s
                                                                                                                                       show is a must-see for fans of sharp, local humor.
                       T H E   S P I R E   C E N T E R   M A G A Z I N E     |     1 8                                                                                                      T H E   S P I R E   C E N T E R   M A G A Z I N E     |     1 9
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