Page 24 - SPIRE Digital Version SEP-DEC 2024 9th Issue
P. 24

themselves  in  15  min  and  they  never  change.  Those  are  rare
                                                                                                                                       but  such  a  blessing  from  the  Heavens.  Usually  though  it’s  a
                                                                                                                                       process of figuring out what exactly it is I’m trying to say, then
                                                                                                                                       trying to say it in a visual way. If the message is clear I know I’ll
                                                                                                                                       figure it out. If its not, then I know I’m in trouble.

                                                                                                                                       “Piggy”  which  is  featured  on  the  Happy  You  Happy
         B Y   J O A N N E   W I L M O T
         First,  let  me  say  what  a  beautiful  voice  you  have!  You                                                              Family  website  on  their  “go-to  playlist  of  funny  songs
         stated that you started out singing at friends houses on                                                                      for kids.” Are you interested in creating more children
         songwriter  nights  and  eventually  started  writing  songs                                                                  friendly humorous tunes?
         yourself.  What  was  it  about  those  beginning  sessions                                                                   It’s  funny,  “Piggy”  was  never  meant  to  be  a  children’s
         that made you realize music was your path?                                                                                    song. It's more about a woman taking control of her life.
         Thank you so much for the compliment! The reality of it is                                                                    It's just presented in a very fun way. But kids love it and I
         I’d always had a love of songwriting from my start in the                                                                     love that they do. Kids are the greatest audience in the
         early days but it wasn’t until just the past few years that I                                                                 world  –  its  instant  unconditional  adoration.  What’s  not
         began to take it very seriously. I’d always had a “real job”                                                                  to  love  about  that?  I’m  all  for  writing  something  for
         and  wrote  and  performed  when  I  could  (like  many  do).                                                                 them!
         But  after  so  many  years  of  wanting  to  do  nothing  but                                                                Regarding humor: I love writing humorous lyrics. For me
         music  and  being  too  afraid  to  really  pursue  it,  I  said  the                                                         it  opens  the  door  to  other  subjects  besides  the
         heck with it and now I’m finally doing what I think I was                                                                     traditional  love  /  relationship  /  breakup  songs.
         put  here  to  do.  The  little  voice  was  always  there,  but  it                                                          Stretching  the  lyric  boundary  is  very  important  to  me.
         was  years  before  I  decided  to  listen  to  it.  No  regrets                                                              I’m  a  strong  advocate  for  writing  about  whatever  you
         though – I believe things happen as they’re supposed to                                                                       want  and  using  imagination.  People  are  quirky,  unique,
         happen and now, I’m enjoying every minute. It’s a tough                                      © Shervin Lainez                 strange, ugly and beautiful creatures who have all kinds
         life no question about that, but I wouldn’t change a thing!                                                                   of  hangups.  They  also  laugh,  and  making  an  audience
                                                              J E N N A   N I C H O L L S    THU, DEC 12 | 7:30PM                      laugh  is  the  best  feeling  ever!  There’s  way  too  much
         The  Spire  Center  is  excited  to  welcome  you  back  in  to   embrace   the   unexpected   that   comes   with            sadness in the world and I feel one of my jobs is to give
         December as part of our Spire Lobby Series. As an artist,  collaboration:  to  trust.  It  can  lead  to  some  really        people a break from it for an hour.
         you seem just as comfortable being part of a duo as you
         are being a solo performer. Do you have a preference? Is  wonderful  experiences  that  one  could  never  have  as  a        What  do  you  want  your  growing  fan  base  to  know
         there an artist that you would really like to collaborate  solo  performer.  I’m  so  grateful  for  the  friendships  I’ve   about you going forward? What are your favorite things
         with in the future?                                  made  through  musical  collaboration;  probably  more  so               to do when you are not performing? Places to go?
                                                              than anything else.
         Another  great  question!  There  is  a  time  and  place  for                                                                When  I’m  not  performing,  I’m  usually  at  home  playing
         both  I  think.  The  longer  I  do  this  though  the  more  I’m  Regarding a collab wish list: I’m really loving what Sierra  the piano. It’s an instrument to which over the last few
         enjoying collaborative efforts. It’s just plain old fun! I’ve  Ferrall  is  doing  right  now  –  she’s  a  force  and  I’d  love  to  years  (starting  in  Covid)  I’ve  become  deeply  attached.  © Shervin Lainez
         learned to ease up a bit on myself and enjoy the process;   work  with  her  someday.  I’m  also  a  huge  fan  of  T-Bone    Playing  it  is  my  favorite  thing  to  do.  I  also  love  reading

                                                              Burnett’s production. There are lesser-known artists that                and  baking  and  going  swimming  in  our  local  swimming
                                                              I’d  love  to  work  with  as  well  and  plenty  in  my  own            hole  here  in  Woodstock  NY.  (There’s  rarely  anyone
                                                              neighborhood that are just fantastic!                                    there!  There’s  nothing  better  than  having  a  swimming
                                                                                                                                       hole all to yourself!)
                                                              I have idols too of course: Tom Waits and Randy Newman,                  I guess I’d like to people to know that I’m just out here
                                                              that are on my ultimate (albeit impossible) dream list. But              trying my very best and I hope they enjoy what I do.
                                                              hey you never know!
                                                              Where  do  you  begin  with  the  writing  process  on  most
                                                              songs?  Does  it  begin  with  a  hum,  a  melody  or  do  the
                                                              words  and  ideas  come  first?  Does  it  start  with  just
                                                              something you feel you must say?
                                                              Its never the same. I wish it was that would make things                   T H U R S D A Y ,   D E C E M B E R   1 2 ,   2 0 2 4
                                                              so  much  easier,  though  perhaps  less  interesting.
                                                              Sometimes it will be a lyric that I like. I’ll write the song in          Don’t  miss  Jenna  Nicholls  live—a  voice  that  bridges
                                                              a  day  or  two  but  then  spend  the  next  6-8  months                 eras, weaving stories with  a sound both nostalgic and
                                                              rewriting everything about it, including the line I started               new. Her performances are as timeless as the songs she
                                                              with. By the time it’s done, its completely different from                sings. Whether sharing a stage with legends or crafting
                                                              where I thought it would go. Then other times the lyrics                  tunes for film and TV, Jenna’s unique sound is one you
                        JENNA WITH PETER MULVEY AT THE SPIRE’S  and melody come at the same time. Those songs finish                                                                          © Shervin Lainez
                                    10TH ANNIVERSARY SHOW.                                                                              won’t want to miss.
                                PHOTO CREDIT: Denise Maccaferri
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