Page 19 - SPIRE Digital Version SEP-DEC 2024 9th Issue
P. 19

FALL 2024

 SAT, OCT 26 @ 8PM  SAT,  NOV 02 @ 6PM & 8:30PM
 $45                $44
 Featuring Lila Blue.
 Dar  Williams  blends  optimism  with  melodies  that  balance  Experience  a  one-of-a-kind  tribute  with  Magical  Mystery
 lightness and depth. Her 25+ year career has been marked by  Doors, a unique act that blends the music of The Beatles, Led
 insightful lyrics and a commitment to meeting life as it comes.  Zeppelin,  and  The  Doors  into  a  fresh  and  captivating
           performance.  Relive  timeless  hits  from  these  legendary
 With  influences  ranging  from  alt-rock  to  folk,  Williams'
 performances  are  a  reflection  of  her  journey  and  resilience.  bands, reimagined through inventive mashups like The Doors’
 Whether  on  grand  stages  or  intimate  venues,  she  delivers  a  “Hello, I Love You” with Led Zeppelin’s “Misty Mountain Hop,”  FALL 2024
 compelling experience that resonates deeply with audiences.  and  more.  Enhanced  by  a  dynamic  visual  presentation  and
           immersive  lighting,  this  show  offers  a  thrilling  journey
 Lila  Blue,  a  24-year-old  non-binary  folk  artist,  creates  music  through  classic  rock  that  will  have  you  singing  along  and
 that  explores  themes  of  grief,  joy,  and  queer  identity.  Their  “Breaking On Through” to a memorable night.
 recent  album  Sweet  Pea  has  been  praised  for  its  bold
 songwriting and authenticity. As a 2024 Kerrville Folk Festival
 New  Folk  Winner,  Blue’s  performances  are  both  moving  and  INDIEFERM BREWING PRESENTS   INDIEFERM BREWING PRESENTS SUNDAY
 memorable.                                           FUNDAY WITH THE SHADY ROOSTERS
                                                                     SUN, NOV 03 @ 2-5PM
                                                  TICKETS SOLD AT DOOR, $5 CASH ONLY!
 HALLOWEEN SPECTACULAR*                           Join us for the return of SuNdAy FuNdAy with The Shady
                                                  Roosters! Formerly known as Lonesome Jukebox, they've
 THU, OCT 31 @ 7:30PM                             been entertaining for 25 years, now with some new faces in
 $20                                              the lineup. Expect a lively mix of rockabilly, blues, roots, and
                                                  country, including original tunes reminiscent of the '50s and
  Hailing from the heart of Boston, this four-piece ensemble  '60s. Plus, they'll be bringing special guests for an
 has carved their mark on the music scene, bringing a fresh,  unforgettable night of fun! The Shady Roosters will be back
 energetic  twist  to  the  timeless  classics  of  the  Grateful  next Fall!
 Dead. Led by the virtuosic Ethan Robbins on guitar, Conor
 Smith’s  fiddle  weaves  enchanting  melodies,  while  Paul
 Chase  lays  down  the  groove  on  bass,  and  Rob  Megna  EASTERN BANK LOBBY JAZZ SERIES:
 drives the beat on drums. With a decade-long residency on  LASZLO GARDONY
 Court  Street  in  Plymouth  MA,  their  reputation  precedes  THU, NOV 07  @ 7:30PM
 them,  promising  a  night  of  high-energy  and  spine-tingling  $15
           Renowned  for  his  “fluid  pianism”  (The  New  York  Times),  pianist  and
 Don  your  spookiest  costume  and  join  us  for  a  Halloween  composer  Laszlo  Gardony  brings  a  blend  of  virtuosity  and  emotional
 bash like no other, as Uncle John’s Banjo takes the stage to  depth to his performances. A winner of the Great American Jazz Piano
 thrill and delight with their spellbinding performance. Get  Competition,  Gardony  has  captivated  audiences  in  27  countries  with
 ready to dance, groove, and revel in the magic of live music  his  dynamic  improvisations  and  inventive  compositions.  With  14
 this Halloween!  acclaimed albums and a role as a professor at Berklee College of Music
           and Harvard University, Gardony’s concerts are a celebration of jazz’s
           spontaneity  and  beauty,  offering  a  captivating  and  immersive
 FRI, NOV 01 @ 8PM
 $69                                                                      CHRISTIE LENÉE
 Martin Barre, the legendary guitarist who defined Jethro Tull’s         FRI, NOV 08 @ 8PM
 sound  for  over  43  years,  brings  his  celebrated  show  A  Brief                   $20
 History  of  Tull  to  the  stage.  This  immersive  performance  Celebrated as “Acoustic Guitarist of the Year,” Christie Lenée
 revisits  classic  hits  from  albums  like  Aqualung,  Thick  As  A  blends  transcendental  folk-pop  with  virtuosic  guitar  work.
 Brick, and Stand Up, enhanced by a special visual presentation  Her performances, described as “Dave Matthews meets Joni
 that  traces  the  band’s  remarkable  journey.  Joined  by  Dan  Mitchell  and  Michael  Hedges,”  highlight  her  skill  and  lyrical
 Crisp,  Alan  Thomson,  and  Terl  Bryant,  Barre  delivers  an  depth.  Since  winning  the  International  Fingerstyle  Guitar
 electrifying  experience  that  captures  the  essence  of  Jethro  Championship in 2017, Lenée has dazzled audiences alongside
 Tull’s iconic sound and history.
                                                  music  icons.  Her  latest  album,  Coming  Alive,  features
                                                  powerful  guitar  hooks  and  uplifting  vocals,  capturing  a
 T H E   S P I R E   C E N T E R   M A G A Z I N E     |     1 6  journey of joy and renewal.
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