Page 4 - Creative Arts Therapies event program book digital_Neat
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Kristi Faby, Director of Creative Arts Therapies
Robert Cinnante, SSC President
Gerald Jones, SSC Trustee
Lauren Pimpare, SSC Trustee
Jean Morse Jones, SSC Conservatory Community Council
Sarah Gilbert, Yoga for the Special Child
SSC’s Creative Arts Therapies (CAT) Department uses the arts
and creative processes to help individuals maximize their
abilities and improve health and wellness .We have highly-
qualified therapists and specialists in Music Therapy , Dance
Therapy, and Accessible Yoga. Professional Development in
Access and Accommodation, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,
Social/Emotional Learning through Music, and more rounds
out our array of CAT services.
All our programs are designed to maximize independence and
are provided in the least restrictive environment. We welcome
all levels of ability and all ages.
Specialized programs offered through the CAT department
include SSC Memory Cafe, Moving and Grooving, SSC
Community Voices, Singing with Parkinson’s, and Percussion
Learn more about Creative Arts Therapies.
2 An Evening with Creative Arts Therapies