Page 7 - Creative Arts Therapies event program book digital_Neat
P. 7
Fly Me to the Moon
Bert Bacharach (b.1928)
That's What Friends Are For
Carol Bayer Sager (b.1947)
Bill Connors Bart Howard (1915-2004)
Michael Lozar
Rick Martinec
Michele Weir
Keith Woo
Dr. Joshua Bennet
Author Joshua Bennettt is the author of The
Sobbing School (Penguin, 2016)—which
Dr. Joshua Bennett is the author of The Sobbing
was a National Poetry Series selecti
School (Penguin, 2016)—which was a Nationalon
Poetry Series selection and a finalist for an NAACP
and a finalist for an NAACP Image Award.
Image Award. He is also the author of Being
He is also the author of Being Property
Property Once Myself (Harvard University Press,
2020), Owed (Penguin, 2020), The Study of Human
Once Myself (Harvard University Press,
Life (Penguin, 2022) and Spoken Word: A Cultural
2020), Owed (Penguin, 2020), The
History, which is forthcoming from Knopf. He has
Study of Human Life (Penguin, 2022)
received fellowships and awards from the
and Spoken Word: A Cultural History,
Guggenheim Foundation, the Whiting
Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Society of Fellows at
which is forthcoming from Knopf. He
Harvard University. He is a Professor of English at Dartmouth College.
has received fellowships and awards
from the Guggenheim Foundation,
the Whiting Foundation, the National
Endowment for the Arts, and the Society
of Fellows at Harvard University. He
is a Professor of English at Dartmouth