Page 26 - Phil Connections Magazine 3-2021v2_Neat
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Year over year, concerts are made possible by the generosity
of season sponsors. In addition to these critical funders, the
Phil relies on the support of educational sponsors whose
donations enable the Phil to reach well beyond the concert
hall, bringing music into the community.
Building music appreciation in the from providing a quiet classroom setting, the teacher does not
next generation…in five minutes. intervene or lead the students as they listen to the music.
For example, if the featured composer is Wolfgang Amadeus
The Phil’s mission takes music and education into the Mozart and the composition is from his 4th movement of “Eine
community. One area of impact revolves around the schools. kleine Nachtmusik,” the following scripts would be used prior
Over the years, the Phil has developed a variety of educational to playing the music each morning:
programs aimed at encouraging a lifelong love of music.
Day 1: This week’s feature composer is Wolfgang Amadeus
One program called Take Mozart. The feature composition is the fourth
5 For Music, is an easy, movement from “Eine kleine Nachtmusik.” The title
simple listening system of the composition is in German because that is the
that is exactly what it says: language Mozart spoke. Mozart decided to use only
students take five minutes stringed instruments—violin, viola, cello, and double
out of their school day to bass—for “Eine kleine Nachtmusik,” or as it is said in
listen to classical music.
English, “A Little Nightmusic.” Mozart composed “Eine
The Phil works with school administrators and music educators kleine Nachtmusik” for people to listen to after a fancy
to implement the program across a school system, from dinner. This is how wealthy people and kings and
Kindergarten to fifth grade, to create a school culture for queens entertained themselves about 200 years ago.
success. Day 2: This week’s feature composer is Wolfgang Amadeus
Can five minutes of music really make a difference? Mozart. The feature composition is the fourth
movement from “Eine kleine Nachtmusik.” Mozart
Research supports the benefits of non-directed learning. Just composed “Eine kleine Nachtmusik” for string
by listening, students develop their focus skills, which benefit orchestra. He thought up a crisp, bright melody and
all areas of the curriculum. repeated it several times throughout the movement.
Utilizing the Brummitt-Taylor Music Listening Program, Mozart was smart. He wanted us to remember the
teachers present one piece of music each week, played beginning melody so he let us hear it more than once.
daily over the school week. Students hear the name of the Day 3: This week’s feature composer is Wolfgang Amadeus
composer and a sentence or two related to the intent of the Mozart. The feature composition is the fourth
composer. This non-directed approach is intentional. Aside