Page 31 - Phil Connections Magazine 3-2021v2_Neat
P. 31

In Memory of Ralph Johnson                 In Memory of John Stanton         Memorial and honor gifts are
        Dolores L. Johnson                         Nicholas Bachynski                a very personal, meaningful
                                                   Lisa Barnett
        In Memory of Robert Johnston                                                 way to celebrate milestone
        Melissa and William Bristol                Tom and Sheri Bouchie
                                                   Phyllis T. Bradley                achievements, remember a
        In Memory of Mike & Tula Karidoyanes       The Family of Bruce Dancause      life well-lived, and a special
        Anonymous                                  Evelyn Drake                      gift for the classical music

        In Memory of Thomas Burke Leahey           John and Becky Edmondson          lover in your life.
        Barbara Leahey                             John and Kathleen Gillespie
                                                   Paul and Barbara Gray             Click to learn more.
        In Memory of Audrey Austin Macdonald       Bill and Paula Harris
        Amie Macdonald
                                                   Beverly Hovey
        In Memory of Rueith McGrath                Leon and Maureen Hull
        Cookie and Paul Zaniboni                   Martha Johnston

        In Memory of “P.K.” McNiff                 Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Kylander
        Phil and Jane McNiff                       John and Patricia Lamonte
                                                   Joann Leber
        In Memory of Ellen Remlinger               Judy and John Livingstone
        Verna and Allen Hoyt                       Harry and Sharon McCormick
        Joelle O’Brien                             Alan and Pam Murray
        Love, Mary and Jimmy Ryan and Family       William and Katherine Neville
        Marcy Stanton                              Mary Ott
        Geoffrey and Joyce Stewart                 Bobbie Otto and Larry Marraccini
        Women of the Moose Chapter 2218
                                                   Larry and Gail Reed
        In Memory of Ellen Remlinger and           John and Sondi Stanton
          Walter Devereaux                         Nicholas Stephens
        Peter and Teresa Hacunda                   JoAnn Taft Blakely

        In Memory of Lynne Savoie                  The Therrien Family
        Dennis Savoie                              Betty White

        In Memory of Edwin Drowne Smith            In Memory of Greg Tucker
        Marjorie Smith                             Sally Cole Tucker

        In Memory of Edward and Gladys Southwell   In Memory of Leonard Wood
        Thomas and Cecelia Nelson                  Pamela Pelletier

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