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Looking Back                                                                     PLYMOUTH

                                                                                         PUBLIC LIBRARY

        THE PLYMOUTH PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION                                           FOUNDATION
        July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020

                                                                                         BOARD OF TRUSTEES
        2019                                                                             JULY 1, 2019 – JUNE 30, 2020

                                                                                         Deborah A. Etzel
                                            In August, we hosted our                     President
                                            first  Arts & Crafts Festival                Joanne Sheehan
                                            on the Library’s front lawn.                 Vice President
                                            Over 35 artisans from around
                                                                                         Kevin Feeney
                                            New  England  set  up  shop,
                                            and more than 1500 people                    Treasurer
                                            visited for a day of fun in the              Judy Fosdick
                                            sun.  Thanks  to  vendor  fees,              Clerk
        sponsorship dollars and a café, our first fundraiser of the year
        was a tremendous success. We also decided to make it an                          BOARD MEMBERS
        annual event.
                                                                                         Patti Anklam
                                            In September, 81 golfers                     Maria Bishop
                                            joined us on the links at                    Ruth Fry
                                            Crosswinds Golf Club for our                 William Petrillo
                                            annual “Tee It up for Literacy”              Walter Robinson
                                            tournament. These hearty                     Richard Swanson
                                            souls and loyal supporters
                                            weathered the first cold winds
                                            of the season in support of the              CHIEF EXECUTIVE
        Library’s stellar Literacy for Life Program, the only adult basic                OFFICER
        education program in southeast Massachusetts that provides                       Anne C. Phelan
        English as a Second Language classes for those who want to
        improve their fluency in the language.  It also offers classes                   FOUNDATION
        for those preparing to take either the GED or HiSET test
        to earn a Massachusetts High School Equivalency Diploma.                         ADMINISTRATOR
        The Foundation raised $19,000 from fees, sponsorships and                        Noelle Poremski
        assorted games of chance from this signature event.

        Our  16th Annual Taste of the Town event at Waverly
        Oak Golf Club in September was a sell-out!  In one single
        night,  we surpassed  our fundraising  goal,  raising  $58,000
        through record ticket sales, sponsorships and donations
        to the silent auction. Bravo to all who contributed to this

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