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PLYMOUTH   success-- especially the 22 restaurants and          2020

        22 beverage partners that made this event
 PUBLIC LIBRARY  possible.

                                                                 A PROMISING START, AN
        PROGRAMMING & RESOURCES                                  UNEXPECTED CLOSURE

        Throughout the year, the Foundation                      As we entered the new year, plans for our
 BOARD OF TRUSTEES  funded free programs for patrons of all      Annual Storybook Breakfast, Annual Arts &

 JULY 1, 2019 – JUNE 30, 2020  ages and technology upgrades to enhance   Crafts Festival and gallery shows were well
        library services.  We also maintained the                underway. Then rumblings of a pandemic
        Library’s lawns and gardens to give patrons              began, and suddenly everything changed.
 OFFICERS                                                        On March 13, the Library closed to the
 Deborah A. Etzel   places to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.
        Special thanks to the Plymouth Garden Club               public; the staff was sent home until further
        for lovingly tending our flower beds at the              notice. No one could have predicted that
 Joanne Sheehan   Main Library and to the Evening Garden         three  months  would  pass,  the  fiscal  year
 Vice President  Club of Plymouth for doing the same at our      would end, and the Library would remain

 Kevin Feeney  Manomet Branch Library.                           physically closed to the public.
 Judy Fosdick  THE GALLERY                                       GOING VIRTUAL
 Clerk  We hosted four shows in the Gallery this                 Throughout 2020, Anne Phelan, the
        year: Lens & Brush by Rick Murphy and Rudi               Foundation’s CEO, and Library Director
        Pizzi;  Reflections by Rob Franco;  Tell Me              Jennifer  Harris  connected  with  patrons,
 Patti Anklam  a Story by Terry Kole & P. Anthony Visco;         donors and friends remotely through phone
 Maria Bishop   and Plymouth Through the Lens of Denise          calls, video chats and eblasts. They also
        Maccaferri.  The town of Plymouth is home                directed patrons online for access to books,
 Ruth Fry
 William Petrillo  Literacy   to many incredibly talented artists, and we   a myriad of Library resources and new virtual
 Walter Robinson  for Life   are proud to showcase their work.   programming for all ages.
 Richard Swanson Program                                         The Foundation’s Board continued to meet
 [LINK TO   PLYMOUTH’S 400  ANNIVERSARY                          remotely and  assist the Library Director
 PAGE 8]                                                         whenever possible. To help retain staff, we
 CHIEF EXECUTIVE    As excitement mounted for Plymouth’s 400th
        Anniversary Celebration in 2020, we worked               applied for and received a Payroll Protection
        with artist Terry Kole to design a festive logo          Program grant, funded by the Federal
 Anne C. Phelan
        to use on printed materials--bookmarks,                  Government.
        T-shirts, banners and more--highlighting this
 FOUNDATION   community celebration.                             UNEXPECTED OPPORTUNITIES
 ADMINISTRATOR                                                   Life in the “bubble” brought a few new

 Noelle Poremski   PLANNING AHEAD                                opportunities. Because people were now
        The Plymouth Public Library Foundation’s                 tackling home projects, we installed a book
        Board of Trustees collaborated on a Five-                donation box in the Library’s parking lot to
        Year Strategic Plan to further position the              help those cleaning out closets and clearing
        Foundation’s  role in the community, build               off shelves. It received so much attention
        additional resources for the Library, and to             we added another!  In early June, we also
        increase awareness of and usage of library               hosted a  SHRED IT Event. Folks came
        resources and participation in its programs.             with cars packed to the brim! This led to
                                                                             Cover to Cover   Winter/Spring Issue     13
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