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Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Katz Ms. Cecelia McGonagle Ms. Ann Palmer Ms. Barbara Singer
Ms. Jennifer Keane Ms. Mary McGrath Ms. Pamela Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Kiernan Skinner
Ms. Janice Kelley Mr. Bryan Mclaughlin Ms. Barbara Palombo Ms. Meghan Snee
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kelly Mr. Charles McLeavy Ms. Jeanne Patenaude-Lane Mr. and Mrs. Paul Soper
Mr. Kyran Kennedy Ms. Sally McLellan Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kincaid Mr. & Mrs. James McNamara Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pazmino Spellman
Mr. and Mrs. John Kostigen Mr. Philip Mead Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pecoraro Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mrs. Fay Meltzer Mr. and Mrs. David Pender Mr. & Mrs. Robert Staples
Kowaloff Mr. Mark Meltzer and Ms. Donna Petrangelo Mrs. Adia Stark
Ms. Caitlin Krobock Mr. Peter Brown Mr. & Mrs. William Petrillo Mr. Kenneth Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kuhn Mr. Roland Mercure Ms. Sandra Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey
Mrs. Carol E. Lamb Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. John Pizzorusso Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. James Lambert Mercurio Mr. and Mrs. James Poff Mr. Richard Stillwell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Landers Ms. Kathryn Mills Ms. Noelle Poremski Mr. Stephen Stranieri
Mr. & Mrs. David Landry Mr. & Mrs. Steve Minsky Mr. and Mrs. Walt Powell Mr. and Mrs. Brian Sullivan
Ms. Deborah Lane Ms. Bernadette Mirisola Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Price Mrs. Rajeswary Sundaram
Mr. and Mrs. Rick LaRosa Ms. H. Jane Montanari Mr. and Mrs. Donald Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Richard Swanson
Mr. Lyle Lawrence Dr. & Mrs. John Moran Mr. & Mrs. Howard Ready Mr. & Mrs. James Sweeney
Mr. & Mrs. H. Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ms. Cynthia Sykes
Lederhouse Moriarty Redburn Ms. Ellie Tagliamonte
Mr. and Mrs. John Lee Ms. Kathy Mortenson and Ms. Natalie Regan-Lampert Mr. and Mrs. Michael Taranto
Ms. Christina Leet Mr. Edward DeWitt Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rehm Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Teller
Ms. Barbara Leger Ms. Patricia Munger Ms. Elaine Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Trudeau
Mr. and Mrs. Carl LeMar Mr. Richard Murphy Mr. K. Rogers Mr. David Root Mr. and Mrs. David Truesdell
Dr. and Dr. Sanford Leslie Dr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Ed Russell Ms. Lotus Tse Mr. Ralph Tufts
Ms. Jeanne Lesperance Mr. Richard Murray and Mr. Conor Ryan Mr. Christopher Vasconcelos
Mr. Robert Lesuer Ms. Deborah Meehan Ms. Leslie Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Veiga
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey LeSueur Ms. Virginia Murray Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mrs. and Mr. Robert Vinson
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lopes Ms. Jean Nalen Sandler Mr. And Mrs. Phillip Waier
Mr. & Mrs. Erik Luddy Mr. and Mrs. Peter Neville Ms. Kathy Schelleng Ms. Darlene Waitkevich
Mr. Richard Ludwig Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Newton Mr. & Mrs. William Scheufele Ms. Darice Wareham
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Norville Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schilling Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Ms. Regina MacDougall Ms. Christine Nye Mr. David Schleehauf Weeden
Ms. Rita MacMunn Ms. Constance O’Brien Ms. Brooke Shea Ms. Joan Welch
Mr. Richard Manfredi Ms. Noreen O’Connor Ms. Joanne Sheehan Mr. Donald Wilkinson
Ms. Marjorie Manning Mr. Peter Odell Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sherman Ms. Virginia Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. James Martell Ms. Kathleen O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. John Shores Ms. Stephanie Wood
Mr. Adrian M. Massie Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arne Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shuell Ms. Christina Wright
Ms. Mary McBrady & Ms. Josephine Shurtleff Ms. Jennifer Zhang
Mrs. Lawrence McCarthy Ms. Gail O’Rourke Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. James Zilinski
Ms. Mildred McDonald Ms. Patricia Orr Simmons
Ms. Diane Ozelius
We have made every effort to accurately recognize the individuals, corporations, foundations and businesses that have generously supported the Plymouth
Public Library Foundation during the past year. Please contact our office if you discover any inaccuracy so that we may make the correction immediately.
Cover to Cover Winter/Spring Issue 17