Page 27 - SPIRE JulySep 2022 3rd Issue DIGITAL_Neat
P. 27
If you could steal credit for any great piece of art, Grace, I heard you have a new album coming out.
song, film, book, etc. which one would you claim? When is the album dropping? What is it called?
What's it about or inspired by? Any special guests?
Great question! I would steal credit for Astrud
Gilberto's song "Girl From Ipanema." That song and The album is coming out in August! We are then
Stan Getz's playing on that song is what made me want hitting the road for the album release tour from
to play the saxophone! August through October! Many of the songs were
inspired by works relating to the theme of courage. I
wanted to explore the word "courage" and its meaning
What are your hobbies outside of music? to me. One of the songs, "We Will Rise" was inspired
by the great female author Maya Angelou, an author
I love dancing, cooking, reading, hanging out with and performer whose words and voice speak straight
friends, lifting weights, and finding new hiking spots! to my heart. Some songs are written with the
courageous emotions of strength and boldness, while
some are stripped back and performed with an open
What was the first record you bought and what was heart and complete vulnerability. It's been inspiring to
the last song you played on your iPod (or another explore many different emotional avenues and
listening device)? inspiration when creating this album!
The first record I requested my Mom to buy when I More info, upcoming tour dates and releases will be
was 10 or 11 years old was Miles Davis's "Kind Of listed on my website and
Blue!" The last song I played on my phone was "And So my social media pages including Facebook
It Goes" by Billy Joel. It's an incredible song, a real ( Instagram
tear-jerker. I'm recording it for my upcoming album! (@gkellymusic) and Youtube
“Grace Kelly has an electric charisma on-stage that instantly ignites the room.”
– Jon Batiste, Grammy & Academy Award Winning Artist & The Bandleader for The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
FRI, AUG 26, 2022