Page 31 - SPIRE JulySep 2022 3rd Issue DIGITAL_Neat
P. 31


 SEPTEMBER     THU, SEP 01 | 7:30PM

                $15 Live stream tickets $10, available at SPIRECENTER.ORG
         GoldenOak’s music is rooted in the natural landscape- their
         songs move like a stream, meandering and weaving in an
         original yet grounding direction. Fronted by siblings Zak and                                      SEPTEMBER 2022
         Lena Kendall GoldenOak’s music calmly excites its listeners
 9.1  SPIRE LOBBY SERIES: GOLDENOAK  while nestled in rich folk-influenced sibling harmony. The
         Maine-based band has built a steady and growing fan base
 9.2 THE ALT (W/JOHN DOYLE)  with this kind of energetic intimacy. This is perfectly
         represented in the group’s latest album “Room to Grow”- A
         10-song reflection of the emotional and physical impacts of
 9.3   DAN TYMINSKI BAND  the climate crisis. The band is rounded out by up-right bassist
         Mike Knowles and Drummer Jackson Cromwell.


                                                                                 THE ALT
    BRUCE GERTZ QUARTET                                                FRI,   SEP 02  I  8PM

 9.8  SPIRE LOBBY SERIES: REBECCA CORREIA  The beautiful mountain Knocknarea in Ireland’s County Sligo is said to be
                                          the final resting place of the ancient Irish warrior-queen Maeve. The ‘Alt’
 9.9  WALTER TROUT                       is a storied glen on the side of Knocknarea, and it was in the shadow of this
                                          glen in the little village of Coolaney that the three master Irish traditional
                                           musicians in The Alt—John Doyle, Nuala Kennedy, and Eamon O’Leary—
 9.10   JON BUTCHER AXIS                   today’s folk scene and though this could be easily called a supergroup, at
                                               first gathered to rehearse. Each player in The Alt is a leading light of
                                             its heart The Alt is really a celebration of friendship and song. The old
 9.16  AN EVENING WITH THE EDWARDS TWINS   brought to the table reflect the pure love of the song that has made Irish
                                              ballads, winding tunes, and freshly discovered songs that each artist
                                          music so beautiful and compelling over thousands of years. It’s this same
 9.17 AN EVENING WITH THE EDWARDS TWINS  love of the song that the Irish brought to America, nestling into their new homes in Appalachia and forming the
              bedrock that would bring us American country, bluegrass, and old-time music. The Alt are fully aware of this
 9.18 AN EVENING WITH THE EDWARDS TWINS  history, and in fact chose to record their debut album in the quiet isolation of a small cabin in North Carolina’s
             Appalachian mountains. Alone with just the scurrying sounds of little mice accompanying them, each of these
            master musicians was able to use their partnership to touch at something deeper in the music, something swift
 9.22 SPIRE LOBBY SERIES: ALDOUS COLLINS       and beautiful and magical that has always run beneath these songs.


                  SAT,  SEP 03  |  8PM

         Throughout his 30+ year career, Dan Tyminski has left his
 9.29  Paul Thorn  mark in every corner of modern music. Tyminski’s voice
         famously accompanies George Clooney’s performance of the
 9.30  Linda Ronstadt Experience  Stanley Brother’s classic song, “I’m A Man of Constant
         Sorrow,” in the film, Oh Brother, Where Art Thou and his vocal
         collaboration with Swedish DJ Avicii on the song “Hey,
         Brother” was a global smash, having been streamed over 1
         billion times to date.
         The Dan Tyminski Band will be on tour throughout 2022 in
         support of a forthcoming full-length album. The Dan Tyminski
 Showtimes, Tickets, and Information available at SPIRECENTER.ORG  Band is Maddie Denton (fiddle), Jason Davis (banjo), Grace
 25 1/2 Court Street, Plymouth, MA  Davis (bass) and Gaven Largent (dobro).

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