Page 34 - SPIRE JulySep 2022 3rd Issue DIGITAL_Neat
P. 34


         How did the Aldous Collins Band form? What brought the
         band together?
         I’ve been lucky enough to have played and be currently playing
         with some great musicians. Years ago, with a completely
         different line up of musicians, the band was called Sandy
         Money. A radio friend of mine heard me play a song called
         “Raise Your Hands” and he said if I recorded the song and
         changed the band name to “The Aldous Collins Band” he would
         put it on the radio. We did those things and he put the song
         into rotation on his station. The Aldous Collins Band was born.

         Along with your love of music, you also have a degree in
                                                                   Check out
         Studio Arts from the University of New Hampshire. How    Aldous' new
         does painting make you a better musician?                  single on
         I’m not sure if painting makes me a better musician but I love  spotify!
         it. I didn’t paint until about 5 years ago, but it has been a great,
         creative venture for me. I feel like focus and follow through  nB931owf2e7V
         make me a better musician… I’ve always struggled with these  N11Ag
         things.                                                @ALDOUSCOLLINS - INSTAGRAM    THU, SEP 22 | 7:30PM
                                                                @ALDOUSCOLLINS - FACEBOOK

          Springdale Beer Company cans and bottles are available
          through Jack’s Abby Takeout.                         Tell us about your collaboration with the Springdale Beer
                    Company. How did it come about?
                                                               At the beginning of the Covid pandemic, I decided to play some
                                                               online shows. I played music to raise money for restaurant
                                                               workers, healthcare professionals and other people that were
                                                               severely affected by Covid. I called my tour “The Spiritual
                                                               Gangster Tour,” hoping that the collective good spirits of the
                                                               community I know and connected to the shows, would show up.
                                                               They showed up and over 45k was raised and 100% of the
                                                               proceeds went to those affected.
                                                               Springdale Brewery caught wind of this and asked me if I’d like
                                                               to be a part of their music/beer series. I said yes:) Spiritual
                                                               Gangster Hazy IPA is now one of their main beers. Springdale
                                                               has been absolutely great to work with!

                                                               What’s next for the Aldous Collins Band?
                                                               The Aldous Collins Band is just looking to keep making music. It
                                                               has provided so many great experiences and it has brought so
                                                               many great people into our lives. We haven’t recorded nearly
                                                               enough songs, so we’re hoping the stars align and we grind out
                                                               lots of studio time on top of live shows. The Aldous Collins Band
                                                               is: Michael Rahman- lead guitar/vocals. Luke Brech - drums.
                                                               Kevin Hennessey-keys/vocals. Kyle Ahola - bass/vocals. Phil
                                                               Grenier-sound/lights. Aldous Collins -guitar/uke/vocals

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