Page 32 - SPIRE JulySep 2022 3rd Issue DIGITAL_Neat
P. 32


                                 EASTERN BANK LOBBY JAZZ SERIES:
                                 Bruce Gertz Quartet                                                                                       JON BUTCHER AXIS

                                 WED, SEP 07  I  7:30PM                                                                                    SAT, SEP 10 | 8PM
                                 $15                                                                                                        $28
                        Gertz is known for his superb mastery of the upright bass and was                                           Jon Butcher’s signature sound features his powerful soul-
                        named “Outstanding Bassist” by Boston Music Awards. What some                                               infused vocals; and his guitar work reflects a skillful mix of
                        fans don’t know is that he grew up playing electric bass from the age                                       Rock and R&B, Funk and Soul, Jazz and Americana, all of it                                        SEPTEMBER 2022
                        of 14 and still plays (and teaches) the electric quite often. His                                           focused through a prism built from the Blues. Jon’s
                        extraordinary contribution to music education has earned him                                                powerhouse live performances with bandmates Chris Martin
                        multiple recognition awards from The International Association of                                           (bass), Jeff Keithline (bass), John Anthony (drums), Marty
                        Jazz Educators and the Jazz Education Network. He has been serving                                          Richards (drums) are electrifying and not surprisingly playing
                        as a Professor of Bass at Berklee College of Music since 1976.                                              to packed venues everywhere!
                        Additional educator credits include serving on the advisory board of
                        the International Society of Bassists and as an adjudicator at the
                        Clark Terry UNH Jazzer's Festival.
                        Gertz has performed and recorded with such artists as Gary Burton,
                        Jerry Bergonzi, John Abercrombie, Joey Calderazzo, Kenny Werner,
                        Mick Goodrick, Kurt Rosenwinkel, Billy Hart, Bill Frisell, George
                        Cables, Gil Evans, Tom Harrell, Jon Hendricks, Diane Schuur, Dave                                                                            AN EVENING WITH CHER, BILLY, CELINE AND
                        Brubeck, George Garzone, Mike Stern, Larry Coryell, Joe Lovano,                                                                                   MORE STARRING THE EDWARDS TWINS
                        Cab Calloway, Maynard Ferguson, Count Basie & many others.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      FRI,   SEP 16  I  8PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                      SAT,  SEP 17  I  8PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                     SUN,  SEP 18  I  2PM

                                                              SPIRE LOBBY SERIES: REBECCA CORREIA                                                                      Twin brothers Anthony and Eddie Edwards are the country’s premiere
                                                                                    THU,   SEP 08   I   7:30PM                                                        Celebrity Illusionists! Utilizing the latest Hollywood grade make up and
                                                                         Live stream tickets $10, available at SPIRECENTER.ORG   $15                                  prosthetics as well as the fashion designers of the stars themselves- the
                                                                                                                                                                             result is a non-stop parade of stars on stage that are all at once
                                                     Rebecca Correia is a genuine force of nature - one who fiercely outshines the                                       AMAZING, FUNNY and ENTERTAINING. As one newspaper review
                                                    current avalanche of artificially manufactured stars. An intensely gifted artist                                noted “they bring such love and attention to recreating celebrities that in
                                                        whose otherworldly voice conveys her immense heart and keenly crafted                                                         many ways it’s better than watching the real thing!”
                                                           songs, she is an artist's artist, a writer's writer, yet one whom growing
                                                          audiences adore and call their own. Her exquisitely sung, passionately                                          The Brothers have been seen on shows such as The Tonight Show,
                                                          performed songs reveal an emotional immediacy eagerly shared by her                                         Entertainment Tonight, The Today Show, Ellen and currently appear in
                                                                                                            listeners.                                                       the “Kominsky Method” with Michael Douglas and Alan Arkin.

                                 WALTER TROUT

                                 FRI, SEP 09  I  8PM
                        WALTER TROUT has been nothing short of prolific over the course of his                                              Aldous Collins
                        seven decades on this Earth.  He’s set to release his 29th solo album over a
                        career that has spanned the globe, and delivered notoriety as one of the                                            THU,  SEP 22  |  8PM
                        great purveyors of the blues and blues rock.  Trout’s history is equal parts                                         $15 Live stream tickets $10, available at SPIRECENTER.ORG
                        thriller, romance, suspense and horror. There are musical fireworks,
                        critical acclaim and fists-aloft triumph, offset by wilderness years, brushes                              Aldous Collins is a musician from the South Shore.  He’s the
                        with the jaws of narcotic oblivion, and the survival of an organ transplant                                high energy frontman for the award-winning Aldous Collins
                        few come back from.  From 1973, when he left his New Jersey home                                           Band but he also loves connecting with listeners through
                        headed to Los Angeles, he has followed a road that afforded him an                                         intimate acoustic shows.  Here are a few of his inspirations:
                        opportunity to just play, sharing the stage as a sideman with Jesse Ed                                      Beck, The Lumineers, Michael Kiwanuka, The National, Milky
                        Davis, Big Mama Thornton, John Lee Hooker, Lowell Fulson, Joe Tex, and                                     Chance, The Bahamas, Eddie Vedder and more…
                        of course the great John Mayall (following a three year tenure in Canned
                                                                                                                                                                                            T H E   S P I R E   C E N T E R   M A G A Z I N E     |     3 1
                        3 0       |     T H E   S P I R E   C E N T E R   M A G A Z I N E
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