Page 19 - PhilConnectionsMagazineFeb2021b_Neat
P. 19


        Who are your favorite

        composers and pieces?

        Ira: Mahler. Anything Beethoven.                                                                                 Photo credit Alexis Marie Brickner
        Beethoven is just perfect.

        Laura: Brahms, Dvořák, all the
        Russians. Debussy is amazing.
        I’d love to play the Dvořák Wind
        Serenade sometime with the wind
        section of the Phil.

        Is there something funny

        or interesting about how
        you met?

        Laura: Well, it’s no secret that we
        met in orchestra. I think that’s been                  What’s it like working with your spouse?
        pretty well covered in past articles. We both joined
        the Plymouth Philharmonic and Cape Symphony            Ira: Well, before the pandemic, gig nights were like
        around the same time. We were married to other         date nights. It’s fun, but it’s been so long since we’ve
        people at first, then separated from them, and then    worked together. Holiday pops 2019 was the last gig
        began hanging out with a group of friends after        we played together, that’s too long!
        concerts. It was during those “hangs” that we got      Laura: It’s been pretty great. Ira really gets me and
        to know each other, became friends, and later fell     what I go through to perform. He listens to me testing
        in love.                                               all my different reeds and I ask him what he thinks

        Ira: I knew Laura was the one for me when we went      and even though he doesn’t hear a difference, he
        to the Sandwich boardwalk together on a date. We       understands how important it is to me.
        both conquered our fears and jumped (alongside the
        local teenagers) into the creek at high tide. It was a
        good date! Certainly not your average date.

                                                         “Gig nights are like date nights.”

                                                                “Ira really gets me and what I go through

                                                                to perform. He listens to me testing all my

                                                                different reeds and I ask him what he thinks

                                                                and even though he doesn’t hear a difference,

                                                                he understands how important it is to me.”

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