Page 22 - PhilConnectionsMagazineFeb2021b_Neat
P. 22


                                Couples who Play Together:

        Meet Aleksandra Labinska and Tudor Dornescu

                                                               What feels like a lifetime ago, we spent our early
                                                               years in Eastern Europe (Poland and Romania)
                                                               eagerly studying violin and touring Europe with
                                                               youth ensembles.  Although we grew up in different
                                                               countries there is a great similarity in the way we had
                                                               been trained and began our lifelong relationship with
                                                               music. When time allows, we both share passion
                                                               for movies, long distance running, yoga, food and

        They intersected in Boston and now they blog about
        their love of travel, but audiences may recognize
        them as the Phil’s principal 2nd violin and violin I.

        How did you first meet?

        We met in the fall of 2009, when we were both
        accepted into the doctoral program at Boston
        University.  We attended the orientation meeting
        together, though we did not speak to each other!
        We timidly acknowledged each other’s presence a
        few weeks later... (laughs)!

        At that time we were mostly preoccupied with
        getting acquainted with the academic requirements,
        performing in and outside of the school realm
        and finding inspiration in late night practice and
        conversations about the future of the performing
                                                               We started out by playing individually in various
        Our backgrounds had been very different: Aleksandra    ensembles and orchestras in the Boston area,
        had already been living in Boston for 2 years having   including our beloved Plymouth Philharmonic
        just  completed  her  Masters’  degree  in  Violin     Orchestra, of which we are now both proud
        performance at BU, while Tudor had just freshly        members.  We were playing together almost every
        arrived from Houston pursuing the same degree.         week in the same orchestra, so we decided to take

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