Page 26 - PhilConnectionsMagazineFeb2021b_Neat
P. 26


                                Couples who Play Together:

                 Meet Lilit Muradyan and Neil Godwin

                                                               in my career, the show did not go on. Since then,
                                                               I have performed only two very informal outdoor
                                                               chamber music programs, one each with woodwind
                                                               and brass quintets, as well as Easter and Christmas
                                                               Eve services and a micro-wedding gig.

                                                               Life is almost unrecognizable for us in
                                                               this new world.

        One plays viola, one plays French horn, together       We rarely crack open our calendars anymore
        they navigate a two-musician household and the         because there are no gigs. We still have our private
        differences between string players and horn players.   students, but that has moved entirely online.
                                                               Enrollment numbers are down as not everyone
        For the first time in my career, the show              wants to attend online. And, it was a stiff learning

        did not go on.                                         curve for us as we had to adapt to the technology.
                                                               It was a challenge trying to navigate, for the first
        Lilit - The Phil’s March 8, 2020 concert was my last   time, the unemployment system, which is not really
        orchestra performance; however, I did play in an       designed for mixed-income earners such as most
        informal string quartet in the fall and in a Christmas   musicians.  We have found ways to pass the time,
        Eve church service.                                    some more constructive than others, but it remains
                                                               a struggle to maintain good mental health when our
        Neil - My last live orchestra performance was  expressive outlet has been taken away from us.
        the night before on March 7 with the Claflin Hill  Humans need opportunities to come together and
        Symphony, alongside Lilit and several other Plymouth  experience the catharsis music can provide.  We
        Phil colleagues.  We played The Grand Canyon  yearn for the chance to experience it again with our
        Suite and The Pines of Rome, two pieces we had  live audiences.
        previously played together with the Plymouth Phil.
        The following week, I was in rehearsal for an opera    A music career is often a patchwork
        performance in Boston. The theater had sent out
        notice early in the week saying they would remain      quilt of performances.
        open, with new safety protocols. We played our         Lilit - We are fortunate to be able to play together
        dress rehearsal and departed hoping we would be        in three orchestras: the Plymouth Philharmonic, the
        able to perform our opening night performance that     Cape Cod Symphony, and the Claflin Hill Symphony.
        Friday.  Alas, it was not to be, and for the first time   Neil also plays with Odyssey Opera, the Boston

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