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                                                                                               ONLY SELF SERVE
                                                                                                   WINE BAR

                                                                                 48 WINES FROM AROUND THE WORLD

      Thanks for Zooming with Us

      Last month 150+ friends gathered over Zoom to learn more about                                Select a sip, taste, or full glass
      music appreciation from Phil Conductor Steven Karidoyanes. The

      90-minute presentation touched on history and music form, with              46 Main St. • Plymouth, MA  02360
      engaging audio clips and even some poetry! According to the evening’s
      host, Plymouth Public Library, this was the largest audience to date
      for any of their virtual events. Thank you to all who joined in the
      fun! Special thanks to now-retired Library Director Jennifer Harris,

      who coordinated this event to coincide with her last day. Music is a
      wonderful way to celebrate a new chapter!

      What’s on Jennifer Harris’

      reading list?                  Newly settled into her retirement, Jennifer Harris shared

                                     what book she is reading now, plus a few others on her list.

        I am currently reading ‘Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents’ by Isabel Wilkerson.  I am
        preparing to lead a book discussion for members of the League of Women Voters. For fun,
        I’ll return to my favorite mystery genre:

              “Mycroft Holmes” by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

              “Camino Winds” by John Grisham                                       Happy
              “Night Fire” a Harry Bosch novel by Michael Connelly              Jennifer, and
              “The Sentinel” by Lee Childs                                     thank you for

              “A Song for the Dark Times” an Inspector Rebus novel by Ian Rankin  sharing your
                                                                                 book picks
        PAGE 28  CONNECTIONS                                                      with us.
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